Free Educational Posters to Print for Various Topics

January 16, 2023

Sara Dennis

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Educational posters are excellent tools to hang around a classroom or homeschool room instead of regular wall décor. School posters can give kids the help they need to master the material as they complete educational activities. Download some free educational posters for your school space today!

educational posters

Educational Posters

Classroom posters can be set up to reflect classroom themes. Or you can hang posters to help kids with language arts, critical thinking, or foreign language. You can also use the posters as wall art or to help with classroom management.

Don’t think that a learning chart is only appropriate for very young students. Learning charts are useful in middle school and high school as well. You can hang posters to help kids with advanced grammar rules and the classification of animals. You can also hang motivational posters to encourage kids to stay motivated throughout the school year.

Printable Educational Posters

If you are looking for homeschool room ideas, browse through our list of posters for education that you can print for free. 

Grammar Posters

Common types of teacher posters to hang in the classroom involve posters that feature language arts and grammar. These posters will help kids with phonics, parts of speech, and even the process of writing a story.

Phonics Sound Chart

If you’re looking for a phonics sound chart to hang for young children to reference, then you need to check out this phonics chart. The chart will help kids focus on various phonics patterns.

Phonics Chart – You’ll find a wonderful selection of phonics charts to choose from so that you can target the phonetic skills your child needs to work on.

phonics chart

CVC Word Families Chart

When kids are first learning to read, they need to master CVC word families. These are words that begin and end with a consonate and have a vowel in the middle. CAT, HEN, and TOP are examples of CVC-type words.

CVC Word Families – This chart focuses on specific word families which are CVC words with the same final two letters. So your child will see CAT, HAT, and PAT in a row.

CVC Word Families poster

Parts of Speech Series

These parts of speech charts can be hung on bulletin boards are used as part of your classroom decorations. Each page will remind kids about the different parts of speech.

Parts of Speech – These grammar posters will help kids master the parts of speech over the course of the school year.

parts of speech classroom poster

Nouns Posters

If you’re introducing kids to the concept of nouns, then you’ll love these noun posters. You have four noun posters to hang in your room next to the classroom rules!

Nouns Posters – These posters are a great way to help kids understand what a noun is because the posters include pictures as well as words.

Prepositions Chart

Prepositions can be hard for kids to understand, so hang a list of common prepositions in your classroom. This list will help your students when they’re completing their grammar homework or writing a story.

Prepositions Chart – This chart is appropriate for kids in all grades from first grade through twelfth grade. You can also download some preposition worksheets for extra practice. 

free educational posters

Prefix and Suffix Posters

Help kids learn everything they need to know about prefixes and suffixes with these incredible language arts posters. Kids will not only see the prefix or suffix, but they’ll also see what the word means.

Prefix and Suffix – The poster includes examples of each prefix and suffix in use to help kids comprehend how it’s used.

prefix and suffix

Educational Posters PDF

Keep scrolling for even more language arts posters for your classrooms.

Transition Words Educational Chart

Transition words are words that help writers move, or transition, a reader from one section of a piece to another, allowing the writer to create a unified piece. The problem is that kids don’t automatically use transition words in their writing. The solution is to hang a transition words educational chart for kids to reference to remind them to add transition words to their writing.

Transition Words for Kids – These charts will give your students the help they need to master the use of transition words in their writing.

transition words for kids

Punctuation Chart

One would think that kids would automatically use punctuation in their writing and would easily understand their use. Unfortunately, this is not the case. So you can create a help center with punctuation charts hung on the wall to help your students write.

Punctuation Worksheets – These sheets will help your children learn when and where to use the various punctuation marks in their writing.

Writing Process Printable Poster

One of the most difficult lessons I’ve needed to teach my kids is that writing is not a one-step process. You don’t just sit down, write, and walk away with a finished piece. Instead, you need to plan what you’d like to say. Create a rough draft. Edit the draft. Eventually, you will end up with a finished piece of writing.

Writing Process Chart – This writing process chart helps kids work through all the steps of the writing process without skipping a critical step, such as editing their work.

Paragraph Writing Resources

If you’re teaching your kids about paragraphs, then you should consider hanging a paragraph writing poster in your classroom or homeschool area. The paragraphs will help kids outline, write, and edit. 

How to Write a Paragraph for Kids – Once kids learn how to write sentences, it’s time to teach them how to join the sentences into paragraphs. You’ll find the help you need in this article to help your kids master the paragraph.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Printable – Use this printable to walk your kids through the steps of moving from a single paragraph to a five-paragraph essay.

Writing a Paragraph Worksheet – These worksheets, or charts, can be hung in the classroom to give your kids everything they need to know about writing a paragraph, including a rubric to make sure nothing has been forgotten.

Parts of a Story Poster

Help your kids learn how to put together a story with these parts of a story posters. You can hang the posters in your classroom to guide kids as they write.

Parts of a Story Charts – This 5-page PDF file can be downloaded and printed. Then hang them in the classroom so kids can reference the information as needed.

Printable Classroom Posters

Looking for more posters to hang in your school space? I love decorating walls with colorful, cute educational posters!

Math Posters

Educational posters aren’t just handy for language arts. They’re also a great resource for math class as well. You can help kids learn to count to 100, skip count, or even remind them about the order of operations.

Number Chart 1-100

Make sure your kids learn how to count to 100 by hanging this colorful number chart in your home or classroom. It’s a useful chart to have on hand, not only for counting by 1s but also for skip counting!

Printable Number Chart 1-100 – The printable number chart will help kids see various patterns as they count, skip, and multiply.

number chart 1-100 printable pages

Skip Counting Posters

Skip counting posters are a fun way to introduce your kids to skip counting and multiplication. These amazing posters feature the digit filled in with the appropriate numbers for skip counting by 2, 5, 7, etc. Don’t forget to grab a free skip counting cheat sheet!

Skip Counting – Decorate your classroom or homeschool room with these posters that will eventually help your kids master multiplication.

skip counting

Order of Operations Poster

The order of operations is a critical skill in higher math and algebra. Hang this poster in your room to make sure the kids remember the order of operations so they can get the correct answer every time.

Order of Operations Chart – This resource is perfect for middle school and includes six different pages.

Fractions Poster

Pizza is a great way to teach kids about fractions, and that’s just what these fractions posters do. They use images of pizza to teach kids about wholes, halves, thirds, etc.

Easy Fractions Posters – You’ll find five pages in this printable pack for you to download, print, and hang in your classroom.

Math Keywords

Do you have a child or children struggling with word problems? Then you need this math key words cheat sheet to help your kids learn the words and phrases to solve the various word problems.

Math Key Words – The math key words include words such as combine, sum, and together to tell kids to add. You’ll find similar key words for other operations as well included in the download.

math key words

Animals Educational Poster

These animal educational posters would look incredible as canvas prints hanging in your classroom or home. You can use these posters to teach kids how to write captions or to stimulate their imagination for a creative writing assignment.

Animal Posters – Be sure to download this beautiful collection of four animal posters to hang in your classroom.

Animal Kingdom Poster

A poster about animal classification should be included in biology school supplies since it’s an important concept for kids to understand when they’re learning biology.

Animal Classification Worksheets – Kids will love working through and studying these animal classification worksheets. You’ll find a printable pyramid chart and classification vocabulary cards in the download.

Animal Classification Worksheets printed

Spanish Animal Poster

This Spanish animal poster teaches kids their Spanish ABCs by connecting an animal with each letter. It’s a great tool to hang in your classroom.

Spanish Animal Poster – This poster is handy in any classroom teaching Spanish, even a classroom full of young kids!

spanish animal ABCs

Rock Cycle Posters

Download and print these incredible rock cycle posters to teach your kids all about the rock cycle. They’re a great resource to include in your room when you’re studying Earth science.

Rock Cycle Posters – One poster gives the complete cycle, while the other poster includes more detailed information.

rock cycle

Gardening Printables

Have you ever thought about teaching your kids about gardening or starting a gardening club? Then you need posters that will help kids get started gardening.

Gardening Cards – These cards are perfect for young children in preschool or kindergarten.

gardening cards

Educational Posters to Print

Educational posters are a great, inexpensive way to liven up your homeschool room. 

Days of the Week Poster for Kids

It takes kids a while to learn about the days of the week. One way to speed up the process is to hang a days of the week poster in your classroom for kids to reference as they complete their schoolwork.

Days of the Week Poster – This colorful poster lists the days of the week vertically in large font, making it easy to see.

Monthly Reading Charts

Help kids keep track of how many books they’ve read with monthly reading charts. These charts allow kids to color an image for each book they read.

Monthly Reading Charts – The charts vary each month. For instance, February uses hearts, so you don’t get bored looking at the same chart month after month.

monthly reading chart

Reading Challenge Chart

Give your kids a fun reading challenge chart to hang on a bulletin board. The chart will challenge your kids to read in unique places, on specific days, or with a favorite person.

Reading Challenge Chart – The reading challenge chart makes reading fun for kids just learning how to read by encouraging them to read outside their usual spots.

fun reading challenge

Color Wheel Chart

Hang a color wheel chart in your classroom to teach kids all about the color wheel and how various colors work together. It’s a useful tool for any art class!

Color Theory Worksheet – You’ll find a wide selection of activities and worksheets to help your kids learn about this essential element of art.

Free Elements of Art and Color Wheel Worksheets

Shapes Educational Poster

While kids learn the basic shapes in preschool, they don’t learn the more advanced shapes, such as acute triangles or octagons, until later. This educational poster will teach kids about the shapes while organizing them into families to make the shapes easier to remember. You can also use printable shapes to help kids learn shapes. 

2D Shapes Poster – Be sure to download and print this colorful 2D shapes poster to hang in your school area. Kids will love studying this helpful resource!

Alphabet Picture Chart

If you’re teaching the alphabet to a young child, then you need this amazing resource. It lists the letters of the alphabet and gives a picture of an object that begins with the letter to help kids remember the letter.

ABC Chart – Kids will love looking at this charming alphabet chart as they sing their ABCs.

abc chart

Food Pyramid Poster

Hang this food pyramid poster in a classroom or kitchen to help everyone know what foods they should be eating. The pyramid poster will help kids learn how to eat a healthy diet.

Nutritional Food Pyramid Poster – This is a great resource to download and print for National Nutrition Week. Another idea is to print a blank food pyramid and mkae your own poster.

Feelings and Emotions Posters

As much as I wish it was different, kids aren’t born knowing how to process and understand their feelings and emotions. These posters will help kids learn to understand what they’re feeling and how to deal with those feelings.

Free Emotions Downloads – Hang the posters up in your school area so that kids have plenty of time to study and understand their emotions.

free emotions download

Character Education Poster

If you’re looking for growth mindset posters with motivational messages, then you’ve come to the right place. These posters guide kids not only towards being kids to each other but also teach kids what that means on a practical level.

Character Education Poster – These colorful posters will look amazing hanging in your classroom.

character education chart

Bill of Rights

Are you learning about the Bill of Rights in your social studies class? Then you need these Bill of Rights posters. Kids can color and hang posters about the ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.

Bill of Rights – These posters are a fun way to teach kids about the Bill of Rights!

Bill of Rights Worksheets

Sewing Posters

This group of sewing posters includes five valuable posters to hang in a sewing room or class. They include posters that show the parts of a sewing machine as well as fabric yard conversions.

Sewing Posters – Kids will love studying all of these posters, including the Alphabet of Sewing.

sewing posters

Preschool Posters

Preschool children love having fun pictures on the wall and studying helpful posters. So download this collection of 26 free posters and resources designed specifically for preschoolers.

Posters for Preschool – You’ll find a great assortment of posters, including classroom safety, colors, and weather posters.

In Conclusion

Educational posters are a fantastic resource to use in your classroom or homeschool area. The posters hang as a reminder of concepts kids are learning and a visual guide. As kids look at and study the posters, they’ll eventually have an opportunity to master the material. Plus, the classroom posters make great classroom decor!

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