Free Resources for Studying Degas

April 22, 2021

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Is your family working through some artist studies this year? If so, these free resources for studying Degas are perfect to go alongside your lessons on learning about this famous impressionist.

Free Resources for Studying Degas text with image of a famous oil painting

Degas’ portrait artwork is considered among the finest in the whole of art history.

Who was Degas?

Edgar Degas was a French artist and one of the founders of Impressionism, although he would rather have been called a realist.

He entered his paintings in several Impressionist exhibitions but ridiculed their practice of painting outdoors, and his work was definitely not spontaneous in nature.

Although he became a classical painter of modern-day life, that wasn’t his original plan. In his early career, he was supposed to become a historical painter because of his meticulous academic training and intense study of classical art.

What about Degas’ artwork?

Edgar Degas’ artwork consisted of paintings, sculptures, printmaking work, and drawings. His work was largely on the subject of dance. As a matter of fact, half of his works depict dancers.

Obviously then, his paintings were consumed with the mastery and depiction of movement. He depicted ballerinas at work, in rehearsal, and even at rest.

The paintings were drawn from various angles and hundreds of different positions, which made the art of movement key to his legendary artist status.

Sadly, Degas began having vision problems at the early age of 36 that worsened as he got older.

He still continued to paint, but his work became noticeably different with broader strokes, bolder colors, and new experimentation with pastels, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.

Degas remains one of the most influential artists that has lived, and his skill to capture dancers in motion and emotion on the face is intriguing even to the masses today.

NOTE/WARNING: When going through this artist’s works please be advised that he is also famous for depicting the female nude body.

Explore these information sources and free resources for studying Degas in your homeschool:

Edgar Degas

21 Facts About Edgar Degas | Sothebys

Biography of Edgar Degas | Ducksters

5 Surprising Facts about Edgar Degas | ArtNet

Edgar Degas Facts | Leonardo Newtonic

About Edgar Degas | Impressioniste

Life and Legacy Degas – Edgar | The Art Story

Edgar Degas information | Kids.Kiddle

Artist Study ~ Edgar Degas | The Pinay Homeschooler

Edgar Degas – Artist Study – Impressionism | Homeschool Nature Study

Meeting The Master Artists: Edgar Degas Unit Study Resources | Table Life Blog

Edgar Degas Unit Study Resources text banner with an image of two different small oil paintings

Biography and Works – Edgar Degas | National Gallery of Art

Grab some free printables for studying Degas:

FREE Printable Degas Biography for Children | Harmony Fine Arts

Edgar Degas Artist Study and FREE Printable Activities | Life Beyond the Lesson Plan

Edgar Degas Unit Study & Art Activity text with background image of oil painting of two ballerinas dancing together at the bar.

Year 2 – Week 18 -Activities 3D Degas & Monet | Sologratiamom

Charlotte Mason Artist Study (FREE Resources): Edgar Degas | Quiver Minded

Artist Study (FREE Picture Cards – Works of Edgar) | The Pinay Homeschooler

FREE Art Cards 2 (Including Degas) | Deborah Perrot – The Paper Maid

Edgar Degas (1834-1917) French Impressionist Artist FREE Printable | Making Art Fun

Hey Kids, Meet Edgar Degas (FREE Printable) | Making Art Fun

Edgar Degas For Kids- FREE Printable Resources And Books |  The Kitchen Table Classroom

Edgar Degas Free Printables & Book List to Start Your Conversation text with an image of a painting of men on horses outside

12 Books About Edgar Degas text with a collage of images of various book covers for children about Edgar Degas

Share some hands-on activities with your kids to go alongside your Degas artist study:

Ballerina by Edgar Degas – “Learn to Watercolor” Project | Making Art Fun

Degas Inspired Movement in Grade Five |  Art Lessons for Kids

3 Easy And Fun Edgar Degas Art Projects | Art with Jenny K.

Provide these videos and images for your visual learners to enjoy about Degas:

Renoir and Degas – A Comparison Video | Allison Maddock

Edgar Degas Visual Artwork and Sculptures | MET Museum

Study of a Seated Woman by Edgar Degas |

Slide Shows – Edgar Degas |

Art Prints – Edgar Degas | Free Art

Check out this Daily Skill Building reading comprehension unit we have for your artist study!

Famous People Notebook Artists white workbook cover with illustrations of different colored paint tubes

Grab these free artist study resources to add to your Degas lessons:

Impressionists & Classical Era Notebooking Packet FREE Printables | Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood

FREE Famous Artists Notebooking Journal

Famous Artists Study Series

Famous Artists For Kids – FREE Printable Artist Biography Book | The Kitchen Table Classroom

FREE Activities, Lessons, and Printables About Art | Hip Homeschool Moms

FREE Artists Notebooking Research Unit

Famous Artists FREE Cheat Sheets

Analyzing Historical Art Activity

Add some Bible-themed art appreciation to your studies

two books that say Scenes from the new Testament

Don’t miss these free artist study resources to add to your Degas lessons:

Scripture Art Printables

Bible Verse Art Copywork Pack

Learn About 8 Artists with FREE Unit Studies and Printables

FREE Resources About Famous Painters and Sculptors

Analyzing Historical Art Activity

Scripture Art Printables

Bible Verse Art Copywork Pack

Learn About 8 Artists with FREE Unit Studies and Printables

FREE Resources About Famous Painters and Sculptors

Famous Artists Study Series

Famous Artists For Kids – FREE Printable Artist Biography Book | The Kitchen Table Classroom

FREE Activities, Lessons, and Printables About Art | Hip Homeschool Moms

Art FREE Worksheets | Arty Crafty Studio

FREE Artists Notebooking Research Unit

Famous Artists FREE Cheat Sheets

Edgar Degas quote in text with a painting background

Did you know that Edgar Degas is also known for his famous quotes? Here are some of his quotes to leave you with.

20 Quotes from Edgar Degas | Denver Art Museum

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy.

You must aim high, not in what you are going to do at some future date, but in what you are going to make yourself do today. Otherwise working is just a waste of time.

Free Resources for Studying Degas text and image of painting of ballerinas

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