Free Preschool Activity Binder Printables
February 22, 2018
Sara Dennis
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Homeschooling multiple ages can be pretty tricky when you have little ones that you need to keep occupied throughout the day. I love finding creative ways to keep my little ones busy that are educational and fun such as making my child a preschool activity binder.
How to Create a Preschool Activity Binder
A preschool activity binder is easy to make and is handy when you’d like to keep your young child busy. My preschoolers have also enjoyed having their own morning work to complete alongside their older siblings.
Supplies For your Preschool Binder:
- Three-ring binder
- Three-hole punch
- Regular printer paper
- Dividers
- Sheet Protectors
- Dry erase markers
- Pencil Pouch
- Pencils
- Mini erasers
Organize Your Preschool Activity Binder:
The first step is to decide what divisions you’d like in your preschool activity binder. My suggestion is to start with phonics, letters, shapes, and counting dividers.
Then print the printables you believe your child will enjoy the most. You can always go back and print more worksheets later.
Three-hole punch you want your child to complete put them behind the divider that makes the most sense to you.
You can also slide the worksheets into page protectors. Then give your child a dry erase marker to complete the worksheets. Wipe it off and your child can complete the worksheet again. This is really handy for the letter tracing pages as your preschooler can trace the letters many times without needing to print page after page.
Puzzle pages and matching cards can be kept in pencil pouches so the pieces don’t get lost. This way your child can enjoy the activity again. Also, put a pencil pouch at the front of the binder to store pencils, mini erasers, and dry erase markers.
After you’ve set up your child’s preschool activity binder, your kid will have a busy book to enjoy each day.
We’ve got a whole set of printable pages for your Preschool Activity Binder, so be sure to scroll to the end of this post.
Morning Work and Learning Activities Binder
The preschool activity binder is perfect for your child’s morning work. After breakfast, pull out your child’s activity binder.
If you’re homeschooling older children, you can pull out your child’s learning binder at the same time as you’re pulling out your older children’s school work. Your preschooler will adore having their own work to complete just like the older siblings.
Encourage your kid to pick a language arts activity, a phonics activity, and a math activity to complete each day. You can also have your child complete a letter tracing page before playing with phonics cards and magnetic letters.
The activity binder is a great way to keep your preschooler’s learning activities organized so they always have something fun to complete each day.
Language Arts Free Printables
These language arts free printables will help your child learn how to read and write. Some of the printables will even challenge an advanced preschooler.
Language Arts Cut & Paste – If your children are ready to learn about different types of words such as antonym, homonym, compound words, rhyming words, synonym, and homophone, this language arts cut & paste worksheet is a great way to introduce your kids to these new words.
Ocean-Themed Cursive Alphabet Tracing Pages – Your children will love these ocean theme tracing pages. Kids will trace both lowercase letters and uppercase letters and they learn how to correctly write make their cursive letters.
Alphabet Tracing Pages for Young Writers – Here are some more letter activities for young kids to develop their fine motor skills. These tracing pages have kids tracing print letters as they complete each activity page.
Free Printables for Early Readers – If you have an early reader, you know how difficult it is to find appropriate books for your kid to read. These printables are a great way to encourage your early reader to read a quiet book.
Phonics Pages for a Preschool Activities Binder
Preschoolers are busy learning how to sound out words, so phonics pages are a great addition to your child’s learning activities binder. Another fun activity is to use magnetic letters instead of writing on the worksheets. Kids love to spell out words on the refrigerator.
Phonics Charts to Print & Color – These phonics charts are a simple way to have your kids work on letter sounds in different ways.
88 Word Phonics Cut & Paste Activity Pack – If you have a child who loves hands-on learning, then they’ll love these amazing activities that teach the basic skills of phonics.
Phonics Sounds Cards & Charts – If you’re looking for phonics and letter cards, then you’ve come to the right spot. These cards and charts will be a great addition to a preschool activities binder.
Consonant Blend Story Book – This fun consonant blend story about Gloria works with children on the gl- blend.
Reading CVC Cut and Paste Pack – This fun reading CVC cut and paste pack is the best way to have your children practice reading. Your child will be happy learning these new words in their preschool activity binder.
Math Skills and Color Activities
Math skills and color activities are an excellent addition to your child’s own busy binder. These activities will help your kids learn to count, learn their shapes, and learn their colors.
Free Preschool Count and Match Cards – These count and matching number cards are a fun way for kids to practice their numbers.
Free Tracing Numbers Worksheets – Your kids will love learning to write their numbers with this fun worksheet. Kids will also solidify their understand of number order as they trace the different digits.
Free Preschool Shapes Matching Cards – These shape matching cards are a great addition to your child’s learning binder. Plus it’s a great activity to help your preschooler learn their shapes.
Free Shapes Tracing Worksheets for Preschool – If you’re looking for a shape outline for your preschooler, you’ve come to the right place! Your child will improve their fine motor skills while learning their shapes.
Counting Bear Worksheets and Activities – Do your children love to play with counting bears? Then these counting bear worksheets and activities are a great addition to your preschool activity binder.
Preschool and Toddler Color Sorting Printables – If your child is learning colors, then these color sorting printables are a great activity for your little dude.
Preschool Colors Matching Cards – If your child is ready to learn color words, then you need these color matching cards.
I found this great Create a Learning Activities Binder with Free Printables activity that is perfect for a busy homeschool family.
Free Morning Board and Binder Printables Pack
Put the fun in learning with this Preschool and Kindergarten Morning Time Binder. It’s filled with all the basic things you need to help teach concepts and practice foundational skills.
Print these charts and prompts to create an interactive binder or put them on your bulletin board. Attach Velcro pieces for instant matching, placement, and the like. Your little learners will have fun doing this with you or use it to promote independent learning!
Download our free learning activity binder that has free printable pages that you can contain all in one binder. You can either laminate the pages or put them into page protectors. You can pull the binder out during quiet time or when you are working with your older students. Scroll down to get the details and free printables!
FREE Instant Download
Preschool & Kindergarten Morning Binder