Where To Find Free Magazines for Homeschoolers

April 17, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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I love homeschooling magazines. I have a large stack I refuse to throw out; some are over 10 years old! They feed the curriculum addiction in me and have introduced me to new resources over the years. There are some magazines that encourage us as homeschooling moms and showcase curriculum and activities, etc. that can help breathe new life into our homeschool, but there are also magazines we can use FOR school – science, history, geography, animal studies, and more.

Don’t miss out on exploring where to find free magazines for homeschoolers. I have gathered some good sources for you below.

Where To Find Free Magazines for Homeschoolers

Sticking to textbooks only for non-fiction resources can be a disservice to your homeschool students. If you are wanting to get away from textbooks but still need nonfiction resources for learning, then magazines are a great tool to use.

Why use magazines?

  • Magazines are not dull, that is for sure. They are colorful and full of texts that aren’t long enough to be intimidating.
  • Magazines can provide a non-fiction resource for you to ask comprehensive questions and writing tasks that can go alongside any article.
  • A subscription to magazines is always fun. Kids have them delivered, which will be exciting to receive.
  • Magazines contain short articles, attractive graphics, and bits of information for kids to get without the hassle of long dry texts.
  • They also can be accessible to kids, no matter the socioeconomic background. Check out this magazine literacy project at MagLiteracy.org and even donate some magazines with your kids.

How can you use magazines in your homeschool?

  • There are many engaging and interesting ways kids can use magazines for legitimate sources of information and learning.
  • Why not a scavenger hunt? Check out this Place Value Magazine Scavenger Hunt FREE | Llama with Class
  • Children can read articles and do research reports or summarize the articles. These FREE forms and templates can easily be used for article reports and summaries.
  • Kids can summarize the articles out loud to work on their orating skills.
  • You can use the magazine articles as discussion pieces with your kids or have them make an argument for or against the topic.
  • Add magazines to your morning baskets for a different type of reading resource. Read this article on What’s a Morning Basket & Why You Need One in your homeschool.
  • You can even use magazines in arts and crafts.
  • Use Old Magazines for Arts and Crafts | Love to Know
  • Use magazines for full-blown unit studies.
  • How to Make a Unit Study with Magazines for Kids | Look We’re Learning

Magazines are great for multi-age homeschooling families. Because you can adjust your activities with magazines to fit every specific child’s learning level, no child will be left behind. Here are some activities that can be given to various ages and education levels.

If you can’t find a magazine to fit your interests below, then check with your local librarian for older magazines. They can be instrumental in your child’s learning bank.

I have searched and searched where to find free magazines for homeschoolers for you. Maybe, I got a little carried away. Once I get on a roll, I can go overboard with the information.

Whether they be just sample issues or full sources to use often, grab them for your kids for different learning experiences and text.

Here are FREE magazines resources and tools for your homeschool.

Homeschooling magazine lists (general)

Recommended Magazines (some FREE/some samples) | HomeschoolNYC.com

Homeschool.com FREE eMagazines

Magazines for homeschool families available online and in print | A2Z Homeschooling

Specific magazine resources

The Teaching Home

The Homeschool Handbook Magazine (FREE online) | Sheri Graham

Try Practical Homeschooling® Magazine for FREE! | Homeschool World

FREE Issue of Special Moms Magazine | Blessed Beyond a Doubt

FREE Digital Copy of Homeschooling Today

Springtime Help from Homeschooling Today Free Digital Issue text with image example of a book cover over a background of flowers

Children learning fun with magazines

FREE Children Magazines

Kids Discover Online

FREE Lego Education Magazines for Elementary Schools Subscription | FREELY EDUCATE

Magazine Reading Center For FREE | Jennifer Findley

Storytime Magazine

FREE Sample Issues Of Scholastic Magazines

Wild Kids Magazine FREE Subscription

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to Go (Download for FREE)

The Week Junior Magazine 6 Issues FREE  – Current events

Specific learning and research

FREE Weekly Homeschool E-Newsletter

National Geographic Young Explorers FREE Magazine

FREE Back-to-Homeschool Back Issues Online – Issues are for girls, including recipes, games, serial stories, and educational articles.

7 Online Magazines for Kids That Are Worth a Read | Make Use Of

FREE Copy of God’s Big World | True Aim Education

FREE Sample of Animal Wellness Magazine

Music Education Magazine FREE Digital Cope | Gentle Guitar

Pockets (Donation) | The Upper Room

Sports Illustrated for Kids

Teen learning

Computer Graphics magazine

Coroflot Magazine

Trade Magazines

There is no doubt that magazine articles and publications promote literacy in your child’s education. This is in addition to providing a different source of non-fiction text.

Magazines have current, content-rich, varied length, and engaging information to grab a child’s attention like no other text can. If kids have short attention spans, magazines can be the answer to your daily reading woes. Try them out throughout the year to change things up sometimes.

Where to Find Magazines for Homeschoolers

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