Springtime Help from Homeschooling Today Magazine

April 10, 2020

Carrie Fernandez


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Twenty years ago Homeschooling Today magazine was founded by homeschooling parents with a vision to encourage and assist homeschooling families. Today, that vision continues as we focus on providing information and tools for those who homeschool, shared from a Christian perspective. The magazine doesn’t just offer encouragement but also ready-to-use lessons and activities for anyone who wants to expand the educational experience of their children, while keeping the approach to learning natural. Our goal is to help parents create an environment “Where The Love of Learning Takes Root”.

Springtime Help from Homeschooling Today Free Digital Issue text with image example of a book cover over a background of flowers
“…for without winter there would be no spring.”—Henry Blackaby 

The term winter is often synonymous with the idea of hard times and difficulty. However during the winter season that’s not the only thing going on. Beneath the surface there is growth, roots reaching down deep, growing stronger and stronger. Soon, spring will burst forth with new life, painting the world in beautiful colors.

All over the country we see signs of spring. Spring, the season that  symbolizes renewal, life…hope.

We want to encourage you to celebrate spring, even in the midst of these difficult times—to find hope and joy in the journey. So many good things are happening in our world, even if it’s a bit harder to see. We may have to look beneath the surface to find it, but it is there.

Uncharted Territory

Long ago pioneers also faced uncharted territory as they moved west. They were looking for new opportunities, and yet they knew the promise of those opportunities meant they would face many challenges along the way. But holding on to hope, they pushed forward, having a vision for their future.

Early homeschool pioneers did the same. They faced challenges and even threats. But they knew the destination was worth it. 

At Homeschooling Today, we believe the days of homeschool pioneering haven’t ended. It just looks a bit different as a second generation of homeschoolers lead the way. This relatively young movement continues to grow as parents across the world embrace the new opportunities available for their families, along with the challenges. 

Spring, Pioneers, and Vision

“Vision: the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.” 
Vision casting requires wisdom. When we cast a vision for our homeschools, we imagine what our children’s futures may look like based on the choices we make today and along the way. 

Pioneers need a vision, one that is big enough that it motivates them to tackle all of the challenges and difficulties that will come on the journey. The kind of vision that hopes in the future and sees beyond present circumstances. 

George Washington Carver once said, “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.” So maybe it’s fitting that the Spring issue of Homeschooling Today is all about vision. The theme was chosen long before our present circumstances were even a thought, but God knew the timing of it all. 

We want to give homeschooling pioneers—you all—a gift full of encouragement and practical help to continue blazing new trails. That’s why we are sharing the free digital spring issue of Homeschooling Today.

In the issue you’ll find…

  • A vision for your home in the column Mom to Mom, written by homeschooling pioneer Jane Lambert of Five in a Row. Jane poses the question, “What do you want your home atmosphere to look like?”
  • What a good foundation looks like for little learners in Cheryl Bastian’s, Early Years.
  • Encouragement to look ahead and “cast a vision our children can embrace” in Later Years.
  • How to “stay true” to purpose in Unhurried Homeschooling by author Durenda Wilson
  • What the role of a father is when it comes to vision casting in Todd Wilson’s A Father’s Heart.
  • Many other articles mixed in along the way

Looking to the Future

The season we are now in will eventually end. And though it doesn’t feel like it, this time will be relatively short when we think about the big picture. We pray that this will be a season of hope for you and your family as you take the time to cast a vision for your homeschool. 

Get your free digital spring issue of Homeschooling Today

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