Ideas and Resources for Online Learning

May 21, 2013

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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FREE and Affordable Online Learning Resources for Homeschoolers

In this day and age there are so many great ways to incorporate technology into your homeschool. I still love a good old book, but there are times when online learning can be a blessing during different seasons of your life. I also like that my kids can play games and be learning at the same time!

Here is a list of OVER 30 different websites for online learning:

Starfall is a favorite for reading practice!

Fisher Price has some fun, educational online games

The Beginners Bible Online learning games and videos

Adventure Bible More online Bible games and activities

PBSKids lots of learning games to go with your kid’s favorite shows. Some shows are not allowed in our home, so I always tell mine what they can and can not play.

Discovery Kids Lots of games, quizzes and articles – Learn Touch Typing – FREE! I checked this out. It is really cool and not cheesy at all!

National Geographic Kids Animals, different countries, articles, videos and games

Audobon Kids Lots of activities, information and games on birds, the outdoors, and nature study.

homeschoolgiveaways-700x350-IVLA We have been using this for years. My oldest son learned his multiplication facts from playing the math drill games. It used to be completely free, now they have a subscription without ads and some extras. I like that it is broken down by subject and by grade level so you can find specific sections to practice on.Grades K-6

ABCYA FREE educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn. Allcomputer activities were created or approved by certified school teachers. All educational games are free and are modeled from primary grade lessons and enhanced to provide an interactive way for children to learn.

Fun Brain FREE Games, Books and Comics for Reading, Math and Language Arts. Grades K-8

Fun School Fun and Educational Games for Elementary kids

Spelling City We love Spelling City! I love how you can take your children’s spelling and vocabulary words and make lists online. They can then play learning activities and games with their words. You can print out FREE worksheets as well. Spelling City goes all the way through Highschool.

Math Playground Lots of Logic, Thinking, Math and Number Games!

Smithsonian Education Lots of games, activities and information on Art, History, Culture, Science and More! There is even a site for educators!

US Mint Kids Learn about the history of the U.S. Mint, about money and the history of coins.

NASA Kids Educational Games about Outer Space!

Dance Mat Typing FREE Online Typing Program and Games

Liberty Kids Liberty Kids was a great, educational history cartoon that used to air on PBS. The characters take place during the Boston Tea Party, and the Revolutionary Time Period. This is a fun website with games and lots of mini reporter videos showing what life was like in the 1700’s.

I Civics Lots of games and teacher lesson plans regarding the US Government. What a great addition to a government study!

History Channel History Games, Quizzes, Puzzles and More!

Have Fun With History Online activities, videos and games for American History.

Seterra FREE Geography Map Quiz Game, can download or play online

Classics for Kids Learn about the great composers! Lots of information, printables, games and pieces of music to hear online. for Kids Lots of different topics to choose from with games, and videos broken down by subject. Grades K-5 for Teens A safe place to learn and play online. Lots of educational topics to choose from. Grades 6-8

Science News for Kids Lots of interesting and fun Science news articles for kids

Science Sparks Lots of Science Experiments with step by step photos, instructions and science articles. has a list of over 40 Sites for online learning that are FREE for: Preschool & Early Learning, Christian Learning Websites, & Young Adult Learning Websites

Maths Chase is a completely free site where your children can quickly test their times tables. It is a simple game, that is also a fun way to learn the times tables.

We also incorporate some online subscription programs into our homeschool. It helps me out as a busy work at home mom of 4, my kids can work and play online near me while I am working and they are still learning!

Some of our favorite online membership based websites for learning:

IXL Online Math Practice from Pre-K up through Geography

Reading Eggs – Get a 4-week FREE trial here!

Free 4 Week Trial for Reading Eggs

ALEKS Math : Assessment
and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces
is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS
also provides the advantages of one-on-one instruction, 24/7, from virtually any
Web-based computer for a fraction of the cost of a human tutor. Click here to
read our review and get a 2 month FREE trial!

Time4Learning – Complete online curriculum for grades PreK-8th grade. Affordable, no contracts!

Essential Skills Advantage – For grades K-6 Reading and Math Programs 

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Do you have a favorite not listed here? Tell us about it below and we can add it to our list! Happy Homeschooling!

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