Free Skeletal System Worksheets and Printables

February 15, 2019

Sara Dennis

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When you are learning about the human body, there are many types of body systems to learn and remember. There’s the muscular system, the respiratory system, and the digestive system. Another one of these body systems is the skeletal system. So if you need some free skeletal system worksheets, you’ll find the sheets you need here!

The skeletal system is the body’s framework consisting of bones and connective tissue. It also protects all of our vital organs.

free skeletal systems worksheets

Human Skeleton

The human skeleton begins with 270 bones at birth. By adulthood, some of the bones have fused together leaving only 206 bones in the human adult. These bones can be divided into two groups: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.

The axial skeleton includes the 80 bones along the body’s vertical axis such as the rib cage, spine, and skull. It provides protection and support for the spinal cord, brain, and internal organs such as the stomach, lungs, and heart.

The appendicular skeleton is made up of the remaining 126 bones that attach to the axial skeleton. These include the shoulder blades, leg bones, hip bones, and upper arm bones.

If you are learning about the human body in your science studies, your children are going to have a lot of fun learning about the skeletal system. There are over 200 bones that makeup the human body and many things to learn and to remember!

I have put together a list of tons of free worksheets to accompany any study on the human body, or to do a specific unit study on the skeletal system.


Free Skeletal System Worksheets:

These free skeletal system worksheets are a great addition to your study of the skeletal system. You’ll find labeling sheets, build-your-own-skeleton, puzzles, and more.

Skeletal System Worksheets for Kids – These skeletal system worksheets are perfect for younger kids. These sheets will help your kids learn the different bone names.

Human Skeleton Printables – This pdf file includes worksheets to review the names of the bones, a fill-in-the-blank page, and a build-your-own-skeleton.

Learning About Bones Printables – You’ll not only find a fun printable to help your children learn about the skeletal system, but you’ll also find some fun activities to learn about bones in a fun way.

Life Size Printable Skeleton, and Word Puzzles – Are you looking for life-size printable skeletons? Then look no farther. You’ll find a print-out for an adult human skeleton as well as a print-out for a child. Plus, there are word puzzles, jumble puzzles, and worksheets to learn about teeth.


human body system labeling and diagramming skeletal system 4th-7th grade

Labeling the Bones

Labeling and diagramming the skeletal system is a great way to memorize the important parts of this system. We have created the Human Body Systems Labeling and Diagramming Worksheet as an instant download. This includes fill-in-the-blanks for your student to label the main bones on the body.

Label the Skeleton Activity – This worksheet walks your children through labeling a skeleton. You’ll label the main bones of the body. Be sure to scroll down and you’ll find worksheets to learn the cranial bones along with the facial bones.

Printable Label a Skeleton Worksheets – These skeleton worksheets are a great addition to your lesson plans. They’re kid-friendly and not only help kids label a skeleton, but they also walk kids through learning about the different parts of the skeletal system.

Human Skeleton Printables Labeled and Unlabeled – This printable will help your kids learn the bone structure of the body. It even includes some of the carpal bones as well as the main bones of the body.

Human Anatomy Notebook

Explore the body with this awesome human anatomy notebook! It’s an easy way for students in grades 5 and up to learn about human anatomy independently. 

human anatomy notebook


Study the Human Skeleton with Unit Studies

Unit studies are a great way to extend your lesson plans and add depth to your study of the human skeleton. They also work well when you’re dealing with a wide age group. Younger kids, in the 1st grade through the 4th grade can enjoy a simple study of the human skeletal system. Older kids in the 5th grade through 8th grade are ready to cover more material.

Unit studies give you the study guides you need that will allow you to accommodate different age groups without giving you more work!

Human Skeleton Unit Study Guide – This is a Montessori-Inspired study guide for a unit study on the human skeleton. Kids will learn fun facts about the bones of the ear, the middle ear, bone marrow, and how red blood cells are made.

Skeleton Unit Study – This unit study walks you through several activities to learn about the skeletal system. Kids put together a large skeleton puzzle. They build a robot hand. The study even includes skeleton math.

Notebooking is a great addition to any unit study. We have created a Free Skeletal System Diseases Notebooking Research Journal that will go along with this study. In this instant download, your children will learn about how bones mend themselves by studying broken bones. They will also get to learn the causes, symptoms, and treatment of many diseases and ailments that can effect this important system.

Skeletal System Lapbook – This anatomy lapbook is a great way to round out a unit study about the skeletal system. Kids put together a book that details everything they’ve learned about bones. It’s a great way to record the new material your kids are learning.

Diseases of the Skeletal System Research Journal – This diseases of the skeletal system notebooking research journal gives kids a chance to learn the causes, symptoms, and treatment of broken bones, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, scoliosis, and spina bifida. 

diseases of the skeletal system free notebooking research journal

Free Human Anatomy Coloring Pages for Students

A fun way to introduce your kids to anatomy is with coloring pages. We have listed out some science coloring pages that are great for kids of all ages. You’ll find human anatomy coloring pages for all the major systems of the body, as well as additional anatomy and physiology worksheets. 

free human anatomy coloring pages

Don’t forget to check out our other related freebies:

These freebies are a great addition to any study of the human body. You’ll find labeling sheets, reading comprehension pages, and even copywork that you can use in your lesson planning.

Free Human Body Systems Labeling Sheets – These printable anatomy labeling worksheets cover every body system, with answers included.

Free Human Body Systems Vocabulary Copywork Notebook  – This body systems vocabulary notebook includes 78 pages of vocabulary terms about the human body to copy and remember.

Free Printables for Apologia’s Elementary Anatomy Book includes an assortment of anatomy and physiology worksheets you can use with your study of anatomy such as labeling and notebooking pages.

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