Free Respiratory System Worksheets and Printables

February 23, 2019

Sara Dennis

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We’ve got some great free resources about the human body. There are many different systems that work together to make up the entire human body. Today we are focused on the respiratory system. If you are looking for free worksheets on the respiratory system, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll down and find a respiratory system worksheet to print off today!

respiratory system worksheets and printables


Human Body Systems

Each system is made up of different organs that work together to perform a specific task for the body. One example of this is the digestive system where the mouth, teeth, stomach, intestines, etc. help the body break down food.

The human body has 11 of these body systems. These systems are:

  • Integumentary system
  • Digestive system
  • Skeletal system
  • Nervous system
  • Muscular system
  • Endocrine system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Cardiovascular or circulatory system
  • Respiratory system
  • Urinary system
  • Reproductive system

Human Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The main organ of this system is the lungs which keep us breathing.

The human body needs oxygen to breathe and function and live. Your children are going to love learning about the system that keeps us alive and breathing. We have found a lot of worksheets for your family that will help them learn about this important body system.

Human Anatomy Notebook

Explore the body with this awesome human anatomy notebook! It’s an easy way for students in grades 5 and up to learn about human anatomy independently.

human anatomy notebook

Free Respiratory System Worksheets

Worksheets are a great way for children to learn about the respiratory system. Some worksheets include lesson plans to make teaching kids easy. Other worksheets are fun and educational at the same time.

Respiratory Worksheets – Print a respiratory system worksheet that includes a variety of sheets to help kids learn about the respiratory system. You’ll find lesson plans, short readers, diagrams, quizzes, and more!

Human Anatomy Clip Art of the Lungs – You’ll find a worksheet showing the human lungs that your kids can use to either color or label.

Respiratory Worksheets for Kids – These worksheets walk your elementary kids through the different parts of the respiratory system, such as the right lung and the bronchial tubes. They’re a fun and simple way to introduce your kids to the respiratory system using an interactive worksheet.

Respiratory System Printables

Respiratory and Lung Worksheets – Are you looking for a complete lesson on the respiratory system? Then check out these worksheets. You’ll find teaching notes, KWL worksheets, journal questions, and even directions to create a model lung! The worksheets are a bit advanced for the 2nd grade, but perfect for grades 3-5.

Respiratory System Doodle Labeled Coloring Page – This coloring page includes wonderful details about the respiratory system such as an explanation about how the diaphragm contracts and a close-up image of the lung alveoli. If your kids love to color, this is the perfect worksheet for you!

human body systems labeling and diagramming 4th-7th grade

Respiratory System Notebooking Pages

Notebooking works very well when you are doing unit studies in your homeschool. It gives your kids a chance to read and write about what they’re learning. They can describe the process of gas exchange, use correct terms, and record how carbon dioxide moves within the body.

We created a great instant download that will go perfectly with a study of the respiratory system. The Free Respiratory System Diseases Notebooking Research Journal is an instant download. Your children will research and learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of common diseases that effect the respiratory system such as: asthma, bronchitis, COPD, a collapsed lung, emphysema, influenza, pneumonia, seasonal allergies, and tuberculosis.

Respiratory System Printables

Respiratory System Notebooking Pages – These notebooking pages include pages to label diagrams of the respiratory system and parts of the lung. You’ll also find pages for your kids to write about what they’ve learned as well as a page to write about smoking.

Respiratory System Notebooking Pages – This pack includes 43 pages. There are two sets of writing lines to choose from: one for older kids and one for younger kids. In addition, you’ll find three different covers you can use. You can use these pages to have your kids write down their best definition of gas exchange and the result of such exchanges.

diseases of the respiratory system free notebooking research journal

Parts of the Respiratory System

There are so many different parts of the respiratory system. It takes time for kids to learn all the different parts such as the cilia, the tiny hair, found in the lungs. When our children practice labeling and diagramming the different system it will help them to memorize the different parts.

We have created the Human Body Systems Labeling and Diagramming Worksheet pack for your children. This respiratory system packet includes a fill in the blank diagram to fill in the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and larynx.

Respiratory System Diagram for Kids

Respiratory System Diagram – Download this free color diagram of the respiratory system for your kids. Your kids can use it to locate the important parts of the respiratory system, especially the parts located within the thoracic cavity.

Inside Out Anatomy the Respiratory System – This black and white diagram is another excellent worksheet for labeling parts of the respiratory system.

Lungs Anatomy Worksheet – This fun worksheet not only has kids label the parts of the respiratory system but then use the labels to solve a crossword puzzle.

How We Breathe Awesome Anatomy Worksheet  – This simple worksheet discusses how air passes from the mouth and nose into the lungs. It’s a wonderful way to connect the movement of air with the parts of the respiratory system.

Free Human Anatomy Coloring Pages for Students

A fun way to introduce your kids to anatomy is with coloring pages. We have listed out some science coloring pages that are great for kids of all ages. You’ll find human anatomy coloring pages for all the major systems of the body, as well as additional anatomy and physiology worksheets.

free human anatomy coloring pages

Don’t forget to check out our other related human anatomy freebies:

Don’t stop your study of the human body with the respiratory system. Use these fun and educational freebies to expand the learning to all the body systems for a complete study of human anatomy!

Free Human Body Systems Labeling Sheets for every body system, with answers included.

Free Human Body Systems Vocabulary Copywork Notebook with 78 pages of vocabulary terms about the human body to copy and remember.

Free Printables for Apologia’s Elementary Anatomy Book includes fun ideas and printables to expand your study of Apologia’s Anatomy and Physiology curriculum.

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