Arctic Animals for Kids Printables and Worksheets

January 14, 2016

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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Winter is the perfect time to do a unit study on arctic animals. Grab some of these arctic animals free printables and unit study ideas to make an epic arctic animals unit at home.

Picture of Polar Bear in Winter with text overlay Arctic Animals for Kids Printables and Worksheets

Preschool Arctic Animals Unit

It is fascinating to contemplate how arctic and polar animals can live under such extremely cold temperatures. When our children experience cold weather we ask them to wear hats, gloves, a coat, sweaters, and scarf even.

When they understand that animals live in these extreme temperatures without outer garments, they are interested in learning more.

That is why an arctic animals unit study can be completed as a preschool theme as well as an elementary science theme. Expose kids of all ages to arctic animals and just provide a variety of different grade-level activities.

Arctic Animals Preschool Lesson Plans

Today, we will focus on arctic animals preschool lesson plans with activities and printables to go alongside them. An arctic animal preschool unit is great for tying in other subjects critical for your child’s development.

Young children can enjoy different arctic animals while learning other things like matching, fine motor skills, visual motor coordination, hand-eye coordination, then content like different animals, weather, geography, and even basic math skills.

Planning a Preschool Arctic Animal Lesson Plan

Thankfully our internet has just about anything we need to make, well any lesson plan. Need to go out? Nope, not at all. Here is a simple layout of a preschool arctic animal lesson plan, any family can take on.

Explain what cold weather is.

Some may not have to explain much at all if you are in a cold-weather climate. However, some experiments listed below can help you teach your young children about colder climates.

Explore the different clothing needed to help from the cold.

Children can explore exercises or printables which help them understand what different clothing we need to keep our bodies warm. Then, at the end explain that some animals can be in the cold without putting extra items on at all.

Basic geography with early learners is possible.

Take out a globe or map and show children the areas that are the coldest on our planet. In some frigid places, people can live with no problem with these outer garments. In some other places, it’s nearly impossible. Then introduce them to the arctic region so they visually see where it is located compared to where you live.

Watch videos of different arctic animals.

Start with an obvious one with an inevitable question. Where do polar bears live? Explore some YouTube videos of animals in their arctic region. It will make sense to them why arctic birds have white feathers or white fur? Learn why winter animals in the arctic ocean are not shivering. Note: I am adding a resource of age appropriate videos to share with your children below.

Add printable resources to reinforce what they have learned.

Have your children use plenty of coloring pages, worksheets, printables, and activities to help them see arctic animals and actively engage in their lessons. Add these free printable posters for the arctic animals preschool theme to your literacy centers during your unit.

Here are some great printables and ideas to create your own Arctic Animal Unit Study in your homeschool.

Do your children love to study and learn about animals? These printables and activities will help.

Arctic Animals Free Printables And Unit Study Ideas

If you are looking for arctic animals for kids printables and worksheets, we’ve got a great list for you below, broken down by arctic animals unit studies, lesson plans, and even fun arctic animals projects you can do with your elementary students. 

Fun Arctic Animal Unit Studies

Preschool Arctic Lesson Plans – You will not want to miss this resource filled with loads of learning fun. Watch videos of the graceful harp seal or adorable baby beluga whale. Practice lowercase letters or learn how to playfully learn with a sensory table.

Mini Arctic Animal Unit Study – This mini-unit study all about arctic animals is a simple slide presentation, arctic animals fun science experiments, and more. This is part of a larger unit study you may purchase.

Arctic Animals Preschool Lesson Plan Printables  

Animals of the Arctic Do-A-Dot Printables  – The arctic region has amazing animals that thrive in its environment. This arctic animals printables pack from Gift of Curiosity is for your little ones to enjoy contains 26 pages of do-a-dot worksheet fun.

Arctic Animal Camouflage Activity Printables  – This arctic animals camouflage activity is an instant download in PDF format. Use this great resource to explore arctic animals and their habitats to add to your unit study.

Who Belongs in the Arctic? Worksheet  – Task your students to circle the names of the animals in the tundra animals word search. Download this free arctic tundra word search with search words like salmon, snowy owl, musk ox, moth, and more.

Arctic Animal Packs – These arctic animal activities packs for preschool and kindergarten are engaging and great to learn about this interesting topic. Your kids can learn with over 60 pages of fine motor skills, vocabulary, letters, basic math, and visual discrimination.

Awesome Arctic Animals Preschool Packet  – This free and awesome arctic animals preschool packet includes matching cards, games, and many activities. Some of these arctic animals activities include matching cards, puzzle cards, a grid game, and more.

Arctic Animal Printables –  There are mini books, word cards, games, cut and paste activities, writing and maze worksheets, and more. These different arctic animals printables are a great way for your kids to learn about these amazing cold-weather creatures.

Activities for an Arctic Animal Unit Study

Awesome Arctic Animal Videos – I always suggest showing your kids videos as a learning tool. These short and long video clips about the Arctic region are a perfect addition for an animal unit study. They are all school age appropriate videos for your children to enjoy.

Animal in the Arctic Emergent Reader  – This free emergent reader will help kids read and learn about arctic animals in a simple way. Your young readers can also color in the emergent reader.

Preschool Animals of the Arctic Activities – Get your little ones ready for a fun-filled week of polar activities for preschoolers and a free printable arctic animals memory game. Grab some white paper, puffy paint, shaving cream, and other fun items your children will love using as part of your arctic animals theme.

Animal of the Arctic Finger Puppet Printables  – Enjoy these awesome finger puppet activities for engaging fun with learning about arctic animals. The cast of finger puppets includes caribou, arctic foxes, arctic hare, ermine, and a gyrfalcon.

Arctic Animals Crafts & Projects

If you are looking for some fun and easy arctic animals crafts and projects to do with your kids this winter, we’ve got a list of some great ideas below. 

Blubber Glove Science Experiment – How do Antarctic animals stay warm in bone-chilling water? This “blubber” glove science experiment helps kids understand how animals withstand such extremely cold water and land.

How do Arctic Animals Survive in Winter Science Project – Exploring the idea of extreme cold is fun for kids. Find out how an animal’s body mass index can help it survive in the Arctic tundra.

Arctic Animal Crafts and Sensory Play for Little Ones – Discover a list of adorable crafts and sensory play ideas with these arctic animal crafts and sensory bin play ideas for your little ones. Add these to any arctic lesson plan for creative fun and learning.

I know this post is for preschoolers but here are some resources for older kids learning about the arctic region.

Arctic Animals for Elementary Kids

Polar Tundra Animal Wordsearch  – Task your students to circle the names of the animals in the tundra animals word search. Download this free arctic tundra word search with search words like salmon, snowy owl, musk ox, moth, and more.

Polar Animal Notebooking Pages – These polar animal notebooking sheets will highlight ten different arctic animals (well, some from the Arctic and some from Antarctica). Also included is a super cool free matching game.

Arctic Animal Bingo Cards  – You will enjoy these bingo card generators online or a PDF or MS Doc download. These are perfect interactive resources with a great vocabulary list like an arctic hare, arctic foxes, arctic wolf, arctic tern, ptarmigan, caribou, beluga whale, ermine, polar bear, puffin, whales, seals, walrus, snowy owl, musk ox, wolverine, and lemming.

Arctic Animals Biomes Habitats – This arctic animals theme has a HUGE page FULL of free arctic animals printables, activities, crafts, and mini-unit studies. Your older students can use this resource as it is full of information for reports or studying. Younger children can also do crafts and some printables.

In Conclusion

Remember that your young students can learn right alongside brothers and sisters. Your child can also be exposed to fun topics like arctic animals even in preschool. Make the lessons fun, engaging, and watch these beautiful creatures in their element in videos online.

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