Free Young Earth Resources

July 16, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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How many times have we heard, “billions of years ago” in videos, television, and read it in books? Contrary to the secular reference to Earth being around for billions of years, I challenge you to counter that theory with these free young Earth resources.

Free Young Earth Resources text with image of hands holding a paper craft earth


It’s so difficult to watch any science video about animals without mention of them evolving or somehow being referenced to something a billion years ago.

It makes me question just how people can be so confident. Like who was there billions of years ago for people to be so optimistic about that? Takes a lot of faith, doesn’t it?

What is Young Earth Creationism (YEC)?

Young Earth Creationism (biblical creationists) is believing that God, himself, created the Earth in a literal six-day span.

Young earth believers have concluded that the Earth is about 6,000 (or up to 10,000) years old with God creating the Earth in six literal days and the time beginning from there.

Many may not know this, but in addition to the years of how long ago the Earth was created, YECs also believe in the occurrence of a literal occurrence of a global flood during the days of Noah.

They also believe in the existence of a single continent before this global flood.

The contrary is the Old Earth Creationism (OEC).

Old Earth Creationism is the idea that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. The basis for OECs comes from geologic time scale, carbon dating, and other dating methods/theories. Here are a few dating theories: theistic evolution, gap theory, the day-age theory, etc.

What is confusing to me is that many scientists believe in a billion-year Earth, yet they also pride themselves on evidence-based theories.

When, in fact, in my opinion, it takes more faith to believe in a “billion-year,” Big Bang Theory or evolutionary Earth that cannot be proven than just to have faith that what God said is true. 

A young earth creationist embraces the sciences of biology, geology, astronomy, and other fields as they mostly support or interpret evidence of a young earth. 

Some pretty complicated proofs and research behind the evidence for a young earth, are admittedly above my head. A few include Little Sediment on the Seafloor, Soft Tissue in Fossils, Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds.

The best and most straightforward explanations that my brain could at least grasp at the most superficial level was found in the resource below:

The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth | Answers in Genesis

There are quite a few reasons to be on the side of young earth creationism that are found in God’s Word. Here a few:

1. Faith in God’s Word.

Since there is no concrete evidence, from observational science, that the Earth is young or old, pure faith in God’s Word is something we can rely on. Our witness is the God of the Bible, who stated the Earth’s beginning was created in six days.

The Bible has depicted a starting point. If I believe in the Bible, then I believe in everything it says from Genesis to Revelations. When God said, “Let there be…” he need not wait for things to “be.”

2. Genesis is history.

Looking at Genesis from a perspective that it is our true and literal history, takes any question away from its validity. Our history as Christians, as humans begin from God’s speaking us into existence.

He created Adam, then Eve, then sin was a consequence we have to live through. It is just our history, it is the plan he set out for us to known him.

3. Yôm.

The Biblical Hebrew meaning of yôm in the Old Testament is a literal day with a morning and evening in Genesis 1, 5, and 14. In verse 5 it is used with a literal number (one day, second day, etc.) In verse 14, it is used literally regarding heavenly bodies.

Exodus 20:11 says God created everything in six days. The plural form of the Hebrew word (yôm) is used in both parts of the commandment. He could have used different terms to depict the Jewish workweek, but He didn’t.

There is no indication that God meant for the Jews to work six days because He created the Earth in six loooooong periods.

He could have used wording that supported that idea, but yet again, He didn’t. God plainly used six days because he created the Earth in six days.

Keeping the Sabbath would also take on a whole other meaning if creation wasn’t in literal days.

4. The contradiction of creation with theory.

The order of creation in Genesis is directly opposite of what the Big Bang theorizes. The Bible says the Earth was created before the sun and the stars, but the Big Bang says the contrary.

The theory of evolution is also ultimately against what God said of creation that fruit trees were created before sea and land creatures as they were made on Day 6. Evolutionists believe the land was here before the seas.

Compared to God’s Truth, these errors in naturalistic views repels me to view anything in their favor, including earth, that is billions of years old.

5. Jesus.

When Jesus performed his miracles, the results were not gradual. He spoke, and it was, just like when God spoke, and it was.

Each of these websites has a wealth of information that I find legitimate and worthy of respect.

Creation Quest

The Creation Club

Creation Science 4 Kids

Answers in Genesis

Recommended Resource: The Astronomy Student Notebook – only $9.95

Using a combination of written narration, drawing, & labeling, The Astronomy Student Notebook will take your student on a journey into our amazing universe. Students will study the heavenly bodies and ponder the mysteries and marvels of the sun, planets, moon, stars, and more.

The Astronomy Student Notebook workbook cover with image background of page examples

Explore these free young earth resources to help your kids learn about biblical creationism.

Evidence for a Young Earth from the Ocean and Atmosphere | Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

Evidence for a Young Earth and Creation (FREE PDF) | Answers in Genesis

21 Reasons to Believe the Earth is Young | Apologetics Press

The Earth’s magnetic field: evidence that the Earth is young |

Six Evidences of a Young Earth (FREE PDF) | Answers in Genesis

Evidence for a Young World | Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

Young Earth & Universe Evidence | Creation Evidence

Evidence for a Young Earth | Creation Today

Is there any evidence for the Bible’s view of a young earth? |

Young-Earth Creationist View Summarized And Defended (FREE PDF) | Answers in Genesis

Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth | Seeking Truth

Creation Printable Worksheets |

Young Earth Creation View (Pros & Cons) – For Older Kids | Facts & Faith

Mysteries of Time and Creation – Young Earth Creation FREE eBook | CreationScience4Kids

Young Earth creationism facts for kids and Creationism facts for kids | Kids.Kiddle

FREE Science Lecture: The (Failed) Predictions of Evolution | Science Shepherd

Free Download If Evolution Predicts, Why Isn\'t It So? text with image background of a mountain

How to Help Your Child See God’s Hand in Creation

How to Help Your Child See God\'s Hand in Creation text with image background of a mountain and a body of water

Videos for older kids

That’s a Fact  (YOU will want to explore this one!)| Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

Science Confirms a Young Earth—The Radioactive Dating Methods are Flawed (FREE PDF) | Answers in Genesis

5 Evidences The Earth Is Less Than 10,000 Years Old | FreedominGod

Creation Audios and Videos for All Ages | The Joy-Filled Home


Creation Audios & Videos for All Ages text with image of a hand holding a replica of the planet earth

Opinion piece for older kids:

Reason’s Why I’m a Young Earth Creationist | For Jesus The Amen


Free Young Earth Resources


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