Free Printable Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag

May 22, 2023

Carrie Fernandez


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I’ve always loved teaching my kids various key pledges. Besides the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag is an important one that we learned. Teach your kids to memorize the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag with this free printable that includes the pledge, copywork, and coloring pages

Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag printable

Christian Flag Pledge

Throughout the years kids have been taught the Christian flag pledge in vacation Bible school, the Christian school classroom, and in Sunday school classes. Some homeschool curriculum even teaches about it.

It’s also common for homeschool families that teach Christian values to have the Christian flag and an American flag in a top corner of their homeschool space

Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag

There are two versions of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag. The original version is attributed to Rev. Lynn Harold Hough and has been taught in Sunday School classrooms since the early 1900’s.

Original Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.

Modified Version of the Christian Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag,

And to the Saviour, for whose Kingdom it stands;

One Saviour, crucified, risen, and coming again With life and liberty to all who believe.

reciting the Christian Pledge of Allegiance

Christian Flag

The Christian Flag was designed to represent Christianity in the early 20th century. It was created by Charles C. Overton and Ralph Diffendorfer.

Just like the Pledge of Allegiance, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag is recited while standing and holding your right hand over your heart while looking towards the flag.

The Christian Flag Appearance

The Christian flag is white flag with a blue canton in the left corner. A red cross is in the center of the blue square. It’s a beautiful reminder of the Christian faith and the blood of Christ.

Christian flag

The Significance of the Christian Flag

The white flag represents the purity of Jesus. Blue on the flag symbolizes water baptism, and the red cross reminds us of the blood that Jesus shed when He dies for our sins.

The Christian Flag Hymn

There’s a hymn that was written by Fanny Crosby called “The Christian Flag.” Here are the lyrics to that song.

The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong,
To every clime and nation,
We send it forth today;
God speed its glorious mission,
With earnest hearts we pray.

The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong.

The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
That all the world may see
The bloodstained cross of Jesus,
Who died to make us free.
The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
And o’er and o’er again,
Oh! may it bear the message,
Good will and peace to men. 

The Christian Flag! God bless it!
Now throw it to the breeze,
And may it wave triumphant
O’er land and distant seas,
Till all the wide creation
Upon its folds shall gaze,
And all the world united,
Our loving Savior praise. 

The Bible Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God. Amen.

How to Incorporate The Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag Into Your Routine

Many homeschool families like to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag into their morning routines. It’s a great way to teach our kids how to show respect to our country and to our God. 

Printable Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag

Use this printable to teach your kids the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag. It’s great for your homeschool space or as a Sunday School wall chart. It includes a printable page with the pledge, copywork in print and cursive and some coloring pages. 

In Conclusion

Teaching kids about the symbolism of the Christian flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag helps students show respect to their Creator. Using our printable Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag activity pack will help them memorize it in no time! A great idea is to recite it along with Scripture memory verses at the start of your day. 

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