U.S. State Study Free Printables {State Flowers, Bird and Trees}

September 28, 2018

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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Are you learning about the 50 States in your homeschool? Learning the different facts about each state can be so interesting and fun! These printables for state birds, state trees, state flowers, and more will enhance your study of U.S. geography!

US State Studies_pinGeography of the 50 States

My children really enjoyed learning about the 50 states when we were doing US geography. They were specifically interested in learning about the different flowers, birds, and trees of each state. This is where free printables came in handy for us while doing our unit studies. Everything we would find and use would be compiled into a US state notebook at the end of the year. 

U.S. State Study Free Printables

Here are some of our favorite printables we have found that can help you put together your own unit study on the 50 States!

State Birds Printable

State Flowers Printables

State Trees Printables

U.S State Study Printables

Bring your U.S State study to life with our huge U.S. State Study Resource Pack Bundle. This U.S. State Study Resource includes worksheets and fact cards for state flags, state birds, state flowers, and state trees. Explore each state in the order or time frame that you’d like.

State birds, trees, flowers, and flags

State Symbols Printables

Name the Mystery State Game Worksheets from Education.com. These are really cute and include the state birds, animals, flowers, trees and more hints about each state.

These Crayola State Coloring Pages include a state animal, flower and flag, along with information about each state. These are perfect for a state notebook.

Kid Zone Worksheets has an entire page of worksheets for each state. They are broken down by state flag, state map, state bird, state flower, and state bird and state flower coloring pages.

Proverbial Homemaker has created an awesome State Card freebie packet full of cards that include: the picture of the state, the state flower, the state bird, and the state animal!

50 States Worksheets

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