FREE Printables to Help Make Sense of Absolute Value
September 16, 2019
Jeannette Tuionetoa
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Need help teaching the absolute value in your homeschool? These FREE printables focus on explaining absolute value and why absolute value equations and inequalities need two cases to solve. Don’t miss out on these tips to teach absolute value, a student handout and answer key.
Although this freebie equips kids with the foundational knowledge of absolute value, you will also need some practice for problems with no solution or real-world applications of absolute value aside from this.
Contrary to how it may look, absolute value isn’t an easy concept – much less easy to explain. Absolute value should be taught in a way that makes sense to kids. Check out some more freebies to practice absolute value:
FREE Absolute Value Doodle Notes
FREE Printable Integers with Algebra Tiles
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