FREE Printable S.O.A.P for Kids Bible Study

April 18, 2019

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Want a deeper way for your kids to read scripture? S.O.A.P notes are an awesome way for kids to really get into what God’s Word says. You will be surprised to see how your kids are able to get more from reading scripture with this method.

Bible study notes S.O.A.P. for kids free printable

Here is a little background for those who have never used S.O.A.P notes in the past.

S – The S stands for Scripture. Physically write out the scripture. Writing out scripture can do wonders for your Bible memory

O – The O stands for observation. Who is the audience this verse is speaking to? Is there a repetition of words in the passage? What words stand out to you?

A – The A stands for Application. Word can become personal to us if we seek Him. Ask how you can apply what you read to your own personal life. What changes do you need to make? Is there an action that you need to take?

P – The P stands for Prayer. Pray God’s Word back to Him. Pray about what you got from the passage. Confess if He has revealed some sin that is in your life.

What is cool about S.O.A.P noted for kids (and YOU) is that it is a great method to use to get closer to the Lord and a better understanding of His good Word while applying it to your everyday lives.

You can help your children develop their very own personal and intimate relationship with the Lord while learning to dig into the Word with Bible study notes for kids.

Grab these free Bible study S.O.A.P notes for kids from Wildly Anchored.

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