Bible Freebies

Bible Freebies here! Whether you want a Bible story coloring page, game, activity page or verse to study, copy and memorize then be sure to explore our options.

Every post in the categories below will have a completely free printable available for you to download directly to your computer and use with your homeschool lessons.

Be sure to check back option as we add more free homeschool resources frequently!

Bible Freebies with an open Bible and a cross, dove, moses, David & Goliath and Nativity scene images above it

Explore by Topic

Biblical Feasts

Explore the 7 Biblical Feasts God gave Israel in the Bible with this copywork series. The feasts include: Feast of Lots (Purim), Passover (Pesah or Pesach), Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), and the Feast of Dedication or Feast of Lights (Hanukkah)

All Bible Freebies

If you are looking for a free Bible story coloring page, game, activity pack or Bible verse to study, copy and memorize then be sure to check ALL our Bible Freebies here. Click here to see all the completely free Bible printables that are currently available to download directly to your computer.

Explore the Store

Don’t forget to check out the Bible & character printables we also have in the store…