FREE Ladybug Themed Printables and Crafts for Preschoolers
July 8, 2014

Sarah Shelton
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We love those cute little red and black bugs!We love lady bugs, I love that they aren’t scary or loud and they are fun to hold and watch them crawl up your arm. What’s even better is that they eat pesky aphids!
Here are some FREE Printables to help your little ones learn about lady bugs:
Ladybug Printable Speech and Language Activities
Lifecycle of a Ladybug Printables
Ladybug Lifecycle Emergent Reader
Ladybug Lifecycle Sequencing Cards
Ladybug Lifecycle Chart
Ladybug Lifecycle Coloring Page Pack from Crystal and Co.
Letter L for Ladybug Theme with printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Numbers and Counting Ladybug Worksheet from Learn Create Love
Everything Ladybug is a comprehensive resource for everything about ladybugs! Here are some of their freebies:
Ladybug Coloring Pages
Ladybug Activity Sheets
Living Montessori Now has a huge round up of FREE Ladybug Printables and Montessori Inspired Ladybug Activities
Check out our post on the Eric Carle Grouchy Ladybug book:
Ladybug Craft Ideas:
Paper Plate Ladybug Craft from All Kids Network
Ladybug Crafts for Kids by DLTK Kids
Tons of Ladybug Crafts from Everything Ladybugs
Look at these CUTE crafts from Learn Create Love:
We LOVE these fun Insect Lore Ladybug Lifecycle Stages. My girls will play with these for hours recreating the lifecylce of a ladybug growing up. They are very sturdy and realistic and affordable! Only $4.50!
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