FREE Bible and Character Studies for Preschoolers
May 6, 2014

Sarah Shelton
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The little years can be hard, but they can also be so rewarding. Our children are little sponges soaking up what they see and hear all around us and what we teach them. What better time to teach them how to build good character traits than the preschool years.
Here are some of my favorite finds that are FREE:
Joy Focused Learning has created these adorable Fruit of the Spirit Printables: Love | Joy | Peace – These can be used with preschoolers and elementary aged children as well!
Confessions of a Homeschooler has 10 full days of Character Training perfect for daily devotions with all ages!
Check out her posts on:
Diligence | Gentleness | Good Steward | Honesty | Humility | Obedience | Patience | Peace Making | Self Control | Selflessness
Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme Curriculum has a total of 38 planned weekly themes, designed to be used during a typical school calendar year (August through May). Each weekly theme, is based on a Bible story. A nursery rhyme was chosen to correspond with each Biblical text. This curriculum is FREE, but there is a newly revised ebook that you can purchase as well.
Ages 3-5.
Joyful Heart Character Curriculum has a total of 38 planned weekly lessons designed to be used during a typical school calendar year (August through May). Each weekly lesson is arranged so it can be used over the course of four days. Each lesson is based on a character trait with a Bible lesson and memory verse. Ages 4-6.
Hubbard’s Cupboard has a COMPLETE preschool curriculum based on Bible and Character studies and it is FREE!
Resources for Character Training:
We LOVE We Choose Virtues! We Choose Virtues brings memorable catchphrases, endearing characters, and just plain fun to Simply Inspire Character that Lasts.
Visit The Character Corner for resources for character, purity, and courtship free printables and ebooks/curriculum!