Back to School High School Hacks

August 31, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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High school is here for your student and yes, things will be different. These back to school high school hacks will help you prepare for a challenging but rewarding year of high school.

Back to School High School Hacks text with image of two girls holding up a small sized chalkboard together

Some of us may assume that when our students begin high school things will be simpler for everyone. That is both true and untrue. I am not a big help here, am I?

The truth is that high school produces a whole new set of challenges you never had to deal with before. High school also leaves some challenges behind in the days of elementary school’s past.

A few things to consider when getting ready for homeschool high school deals with areas of responsibility, independence, and preparation for adulthood. You may not have to hold your student’s hand anymore when it comes to school, yet you want to select the right lessons.

You may not be too concerned about them getting wrong answers on a quiz, yet you don’t want them to leave home without knowing how to sew a button on a shirt.

Yes, they need to learn higher math, but in high school, those skills need to be adjusted to focus on balancing their bank account and budgeting.

See, new challenges. New priorities.

The whole idea is to transition your student from depending on YOU for everything, to take on their responsibilities independently of YOU.

It’s hard to let go and change may not be easy, but it is necessary.

Check out these back to school high school hacks to help your student and YOU this high school year.

Let them start selecting some of their own courses.

This hack is simple yet has huge implications. Up until now, you have tried to adjust and gear your students into a direction that leads them into a strong foundational basis in education. You can use a free credit planner to map out your high school year. Carrie has always used this free credit planner for high school.

Homeschool High School Credit Planner Spreadsheet

Now, keeping your student’s interest in learning can be difficult. This is why allowing them to select a few subjects on their own is essential. How can you keep your student engaged in a subject? Let them pick a subject they like.

If your student is interested in investigating and solving problems, see if a forensic science course is available online or grab some free resources from the internet.

If your student loves music, provide them the opportunity to study genre or artists. Add in research, vocab, reports, and things of the such so that their academic side is being encouraged while they are studying something they enjoy. (Note: For a start, below you will find over 100 free resources online for them to choose from.)

High School Electives – How to Earn While You Learn

How to Earn While You Learn text with image of a boy wearing a backpack and carrying books

Free or Nearly Free Ultimate List of Electives for High School Homeschoolers

Career-Minded Learning in High School

Get your high school students familiar with their homeschool schedule and keep a planner.

Before school begins, have your students look over their schedule. Allow them to have input on what subjects to do when.

Consider what time they will begin and stop school. Would they benefit from a day off of school during the weekdays? You have the flexibility to do this in homeschool, so allow your student the ability to develop their schedule with you.

Create a Homeschool Schedule That Works | Just a Simple Home

7 Reasons to Use Trello for High School Homeschool Schedules & FREE Cheatsheet

Trello for High School Homeschool Schedules text with image of computer keyboard and wired earphones

High School Homeschooling Planner (FREE Printable) | The Canadian Homeschooler

High School Homeschool Planner text with image examples of pages

Teach your student how to study on their own.

Assign your student to develop a music playlist that will help them study. They will enjoy selecting songs best for them to clear the mind.

Create a study zone for your high schooler.

Making an area for your students to get in “the zone” of studying will help them get into school mode. Provide them with a specific space to help them get into schoolwork mode. Teach your children study tips and strategies using the Study Skills Guide.

Study Skills Guide text with image of workbook cover

Make notecards.

Get your students in the habit of using notecards. As high schoolers, they may not have the typical schedule that we are used to. Some high school students even work part-time during the day.

Making flashcards to help them in their studies will allow them the opportunity to read up on their materials on breaks and while waiting in doctor appointments or in any downtime.

Color-code materials for different subjects.

We aren’t setting out our high schooler’s work for them. They will need to find a system that keeps their subjects organized.

Color-coding their subjects is a great way for them to easily grab and the tools they need for a particular subject. They can easily keep track of their materials by color-coding and stay more organized.

Stay prepared and equip your kids with ample resources for learning.

Some of your students will drag out their schoolwork and some students may complete it quicker than you have time to fill it. Therefore, keep some resources handy to help you with guiding your student on the right path for success.

Below you will find some resources that may come in handy.

5 Study Tips For Better Grades In 2020 | My Click Journal

15 Ways To Use Google Forms for Homeschooling | Write on with Miss G

Homeschool College USA – FREE plans for homeschooling high school

FREE Mini Course for Teen Academic Success | The Experienced Graduate

100 Awesome Educational Videos for Homeschooling High School | Blog She Wrote

FREE or Nearly FREE Ultimate List of Electives for High School Homeschoolers | Tech Savvy Homeschool

Start the Transcript Now

Take it from homeschool parents who have tried to capture high school last minute – don’t do it! Freshman year is preferred, however, get a transcript that feels best for you to work with it.

Start collecting data on student subjects, volunteering, extracurriculars, and do it as soon as possible. This will rid you of all the stress of trying to capture what you cannot remember on your student’s senior year. Check out How Keeping Good Records Can Help You Homeschool High School.

NOTE: Transcripts are a must, whether your student is college-bound or not. You can use free resources to track high school progress.

Simple High School Homeschool Transcripts (FREE Printable)

Easy Homeschool Transcripts and 4 More High School How Tos

Easy Homeschool Transcripts text with image of two girls sitting at a table, one with a book, the other girl has a microscope

How to Create Your Student’s Homeschool Transcript

What Colleges Want to See on a Transcript

Simple High School Homeschool Transcripts (FREE Printable)

FREE Highschool Transcript Printables and Planning Helps

Free High School Transcript Printables & Planning Helps with image of two people at a laptop

Truth is – homeschooling high school can be the most rewarding of your homeschool years after teaching your little ones how to read and write.

They can communicate with you and tell you what is working and what isn’t. The biggest hack out there for back to school with high schoolers is preparation. Check out this FREE Homeschooling High School Readiness Checklist to help.

Back to School High School Hacks text with image of two girls holding a small sized chalkboard together

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