23 STEM & STEAM YouTube Channels for Kids

March 1, 2020

Annette Breedlove

Annette Breedlove

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I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not much of a STEM or STEAM person. However, I have two children that very much are, so I have tried to learn more about how their mind works and why they enjoy that type of learning. It isn’t always easy, but it is fascinating!

girl working on coding experiment by computer

Stem Videos for Kids

Since I’m not a huge fan of science or engineering, I typically turn to videos rather than curriculum to help me teach a certain topic or keep them engaged in what they are studying. Our most referred-to resource is YouTube. My kids love to watch YouTube videos, so when I can bring it around to be educational and fun, I call that a big win!

Something I want to mention is that while I listened to some of the episodes on these channels, I have not reviewed all of them. You will need to do that yourself to make sure they meet your family’s standards and it is appropriate for viewing in your home.

STEM & STEAM YouTube Videos

Whether you have science enthusiasts, prospective engineers or just want some hands-on learning for your kids, these STEM & STEAM YouTube videos are a great way to see experiments in action without the danger or cost!

NOTE: YouTube can be a wonderful tool when used correctly. We encourage parents to review channels first before your child views it. We do not make any claims to know what is appropriate for your child(ren), that is totally your call. Please review these channels to make sure they align with your homeschooling goals and values.

STEM Videos for All Ages

NASA eClips – While I do not believe everything NASA says or teaches, where else can you watch videos of the Earth and space beyond our atmosphere? Their channel is divided up by age groups, which makes it super easy to navigate and find age-appropriate videos.

Flocabulary – Science – My kids love learning through song. I know I still remember things from my own childhood that I learned through song. That’s precisely what Flocabulary does. They use music, fun videos, and rhythm to help kids remember what they’re teaching.

Make Anything – Are your kids fascinated with 3D design? Check out the Make Anything channel. The creator of this channel shares his passion for creating things on his 3D printer. Some of these are pretty cool.

Periodic Videos – Whether you’re studying chemistry or just the periodic table, you’ll find a video for each and every element on there at Periodic Videos. Kids will love this channel!

Mark Rober – Created by former NASA Engineer, Mark Rober, this channel loves to film things blowing up. Mark does all kinds of crazy experiments from testing if sharks smell blood to the World’s Largest Elephant Toothpaste experiment and so much more! Your kids will be entertained for hours!

NurdRage – This channel is run by science nerds from Canada. They post videos of their science experiments for all ages from kitchen chemistry to advanced synthesis.

Rugrats and Rooks – Want your kids to learn chess? Check out Rugrats and Rooks! These kid-friendly animated videos are a fun way for kids to learn how to play chess.

STEM Videos for Elementary

Crash Course Kids – From the creators of the fast-talking Crash Course YouTube videos, comes this kid-friendly version aimed at younger children. Their videos average 3-4 minutes, which is perfect for the younger age group. The host, Sabrina Cruz, is engaging and covers topics such as Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and much more.

SciShow Kids – Do your little ones always ask “Why?” SciShow Kids explores all the why’s that kids ask and answer them in fun, quirky videos with host Jesse and her robot rat, Squeaks. Together they explore questions and explain fun, complex science concepts for young, curious minds.

The Backyard Scientist – If your kids love to watch fun and crazy experiments, they’ll enjoy The Backyard Scientist. From pouring Molten Aluminum into a watermelon to testing the strength of oobleck and more!

ExpeRimental – This playlist is put together by the Royal Institution of Britain to help encourage kids in the area of STEM. These videos range from making your own play dough to creating your own animations and much more!

Lab 360 – This channel has some seriously cool experiments! From making your own bubble cube to squeezing a watermelon with rubber bands to growing a silver tree and much more! Many of these experiments you can do in your own home too!

You might also enjoy: 18 Top YouTube Math Channels for Kids

kids "floating" around computer with math equations concept in background


STEM Videos for Upper Grades

SciShow – If you have a child that loves to know how things work and why then the SciShow YouTube channel is a great place to start. They cover subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and much more!

Crash Course – By the same creators as Crash Course Kids, these fast-talking videos are a huge hit with the older kids. You’ll find a ton of videos on their channel covering everything from Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and much more!

The Slow Mo Guys – If you love slow-motion videos, then you’re sure to love The Slow Mo Guys. They film fun and innovative experiments at high resolution and then slow them down just for fun and to dig into the science of their experiments. They are British, so a few “words” sneak in every so often and some of their subject matters may not be kosher for your family, so beware and use caution

Smarter Every Day – The host, Destin, explores the world using Science. His playlists include everything from the Great Barrier Reef to the Amazon and butterflies. You can also get a great sampling of his videos on his Smarter Every Day in Order playlist.

The Coding Train – Creator Daniel Shiffman teaches you how to code “using creative coding video tutorials on subjects ranging from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript to algorithmic art, machine learning, simulation, generative poetry, and more.”

Learn Engineering – Created by Sabin Mathew during his post-graduate studies at IIT Delhi. The goal of Learn Engineering is to “provide quality engineering education. Our videos are designed to clear misconceptions, create a passion for engineering and explain complicated technologies in a simple way.” You’ll find everything from mechanical and thermal engineering to aeronautics, telecommunication, automobile engineering, and more!

STEMbite – If you’re looking for quick, fun videos about science in everyday life, you’ll love STEMbite. All of his videos are filmed from a first-person perspective through Google Glass.

Make: – Combine do-it-yourself know-how with technology and you have Make:. The magazine encourages you to tweak, hack, and manipulate technology to your own will through exciting projects both at home and away.

Minute Physics – Physics is pretty much the epitome of STEM. These short videos are a fun way to see how math works in the “real world.” 

Amoeba Sisters – If your child is working through Biology or wants to know more, check out the Amoeba Sisters. These two sisters, a former science teacher, and a cartoonist, create fun and inspiring videos to demystify science.

STEM Coding – Do your teens want to know more about coding? STEM Coding is a YouTube channel put together by Ohio State University to teach kids about coding, video games, science, and more!

If video streaming is your thing, check out these other subject-related posts for videos and YouTube Channels:

Educational Movies & Shows for Individual Subjects:

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