10 YouTube Geography Channels Kids Will Love
January 30, 2020
Annette Breedlove
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Years ago, I loved using YouTube for everything from craft tutorials to learning a new language, about animals across the world and so much more! But over the last few years, we’ve seen a rise in hackers who have, unfortunately, targeted children’s videos.
So for a while, we put this resource on hold in our house. In fact, my children still do not have permission to use YouTube without an adult present. It is just an extra measure of caution we take with our children. However, with proper adult supervision, we have found some fun and educational channels that we use in our homeschool.
YouTube can be a great resource when used with caution. Many homeschool families, like ours, are a one-income family, which often means traveling is limited. A tight budget can even restrict field trips for many families, so YouTube is a great alternative.
Although we travel full-time with our kids, there are still far away places that are just not within our budget with six children. So we use YouTube videos to take us around the world to countries we want to study and may never visit.
Recommended Resource: Geography Activity Pack
Students will explore every independent country in the world plus discover the most significant mountains, deserts, rivers, and lakes with this huge Geography Activity Pack.
Using YouTube geography channels in your homeschool is a great way to add another level to your children’s studies. They can see countries and cultures in real-time, which makes their studies more personal and real.
NOTE: Videos should always be reviewed by a parent first. We do not make any claims to know what is appropriate for your child(ren), that is totally your call. Please review these videos to make sure they align with your family values.
GEOgraphy Focus – This channel has both city and country videos from Asia and Europe, plus a couple FAQ videos. These are relatively short, so they can be easily added to your studies.
Geography for Kids by Make Me Genius – This channel has a variety of videos, including history, but their Geography for Kids series is perfect for little ones. They include basics such as landforms, seasons, rocks, soil, phases of the moon and more!
Darron Gedge’s Geography Channel – You’ll find both physical and human geography videos on this channel. From landforms to coastal erosion and more.
Global Wonders Series – This channel doesn’t have many videos, but what they do have are fun to watch. They are animated, which helps draw kids in and they’re short, which keeps their interest. They also have a DVD series if you want more!
Geography Now – The host, Barbs, has tons of videos on this channel. He is so enthusiastic about geography, that it can easily be contagious. It also helps keep kids engaged and eager to learn.
National Geographic Kids – I am not a huge fan of National Geographic, simply because of their stance on evolution. However, their geography videos for kids go places many others cannot.
National Geographic – Again, we don’t agree with their worldview, but many of their videos are far superior to others. This is their main channel and one older kids would definitely enjoy to “travel” around the world.
Kids Learning Tube – I have not watched the videos on this channel, but from their science videos they do not share a Christian worldview. That being said, they have quite a few geography-related videos on countries around the world. From Haiti to Albania to Australia and more.
Travel Kids – This fun series doesn’t have many videos, but they are adorable and told from a child’s perspective. They are short and perfect for preschoolers thru early elementary ages.
BBC Earth – Like NatGeo, I do not agree with these worldview of BBC. However, my children do find their Earth series quite fascinating and have enjoyed watching the videos to see how animals live around the world.
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