Weekly Menu Plan for a Family of 5 for Less than $70

July 12, 2019

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Sometimes it is good to hear all about a day in the life of another family trying to shop on a budget. If there is anyone I like to listen to when I need to get back on track with budgeting is the Money Saving Mom. See how she spent $66 on a weekly menu plan for a family 5. It could not have been easy.

$66 Weekly Menu Plan for a Family of 5!

Check out how this family comes up with meal ideas based on what they have on hand/what is on sale and marked down at the store. Taking tips and tricks for cutting corners on purchases is what every mom can use to glean from.

There just never seems to be enough money at home or things always seem to be needed once you spend money grocery shopping. So, I started to listen to the awesome video son Money Saving Mom to try and take baby steps towards healthier eating and leaner grocery shopping.

A tip I will take away from this specific article is one thing the Money Saving Mom says she does:

When I find items marked down or a great deal on something, I think about whether it’s something we will use or something we could use.

Read some insight on this $66 weekly menu plan for a family of 5 from the Money Saving Mom. 


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