Solar Eclipses In 2020: When And Where To See Them + Live Stream

June 3, 2020

Carrie Fernandez


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Seeing a solar eclipse in real life is one of those events that many have on their bucket list. There is also a legion of fans known as “eclipse chasers” who follow the eclipses to each location to either witness it or photograph them.

This year there are two solar eclipses that will happen throughout the world. In this post, you’ll learn where and when you’ll be able to see them, even if you are not near the location for viewing.

2020 Solar Eclipses

How many solar eclipses will happen during 2020?

Prepare yourself for this year’s up and coming solar eclipses, either if you want to view or your thinking of taking photos of the solar eclipse. This year there will be 2 solar eclipses happening throughout the world. Although, just a note, this is not to be confused with a lunar eclipse (there are 4 of those events happening this year).

Different Types of solar eclipses

Total Solar Eclipse

Probably the one we know the best, the “Total” solar eclipse is when the moon covers the entire circumference of the sun, casting us into total darkness for a short amount of time.

Partial Solar Eclipse

As the name suggests, this type of eclipse is where the moon doesn’t line up directly with the sun. Instead it only covers a “partial” amount of the sun. Hence the name particle solar eclipse.

Annual Solar Eclipse

An annular is somewhat similar to a total solar eclipse in the fact that the moon lines up directly in front of the sun, only in this instance, the size of the moon doesn’t cover the sun fully, leaving a visible ring around the edge of the sun.

When And Where Will You See Them?

21st June: (Annular) Eclipse

This first one for the year will be an annular eclipse, it will cover Africa, Southeast Europe, and Asia. Below is a breakdown of the best viewing locations for this event.

Note: As long as the weather is clear, you should be able to see the effect known as the ring of fire.

  • Africa (including: Central African Republic, Congo, and Ethiopia)
  • Pakistan (southern part)
  • India (northern part)
  • China

LIVE Stream: Annular Solar Eclipse June 21, 2020

14th December: (Total) Solar Eclipse

The last eclipse of 2020 will be putting South America into darkness on the 14th of December.

The total solar eclipse is always the most sought after. People travel great lengths to be present at a total eclipse. Many will either view or capture it in some way, usually with a DSLR camera. Or in some cases, a few will go the extra mile and go the full photography set up with the right lens, camera, and telescope for shooting those solar objects.

Below are the best locations to view it.

Note: It is estimated that during the “totality”” phase, eclipse chasers will be cast into daytime darkness for approximately just over 2 minutes.

  • Chile
  • Argentina (visible in the afternoon and only in some parts)

Live stream options for viewing the total solar eclipse of 2020:

Total Solar Eclipse: LIVE from Patagonia December 14, 2020 7:15 AM PST

Total Solar Eclipse App for Android

How often does a solar eclipse happen?

On average every calendar year, there are between two and five solar eclipses per year. But according to NASA, five is on the rare side. To put it in perspective, the last time we had five solar eclipses was way back in 1935.

2020 Solar Eclipses

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