Printables to Help Your Kids Learn About Amphibians

March 16, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Why are amphibians and reptiles always grouped together? They have similar appearances, and maybe that’s why. Neither of them is really adorable or fluffy, unless they are in cartoons, of course. In actuality, most of them are quite squeamishly creepy, slimy, or scaly. Why not group them together then, right? Well, reptiles and amphibians are actually quite different and aren’t even closely related (Mind blown). Here are some printables to help your kids learn about amphibians and to discover how they are different from reptiles.

Printables to Help Your Kids Learn About Amphibians. #amphibianprintables #learningaboutamphibians #learnaboutamphibians #reptilesandamphibians

I wrote all about and provided Printables to Help Your Kids Learn About Reptiles. Well, let me confess something. Please don’t judge me. When writing that piece, I put information about frogs – which aren’t reptiles at all. I didn’t notice that it was a complete mistake until later on. 

Frogs are amphibians and NOT reptiles. Frogs/toads, salamanders/newts, and caecilians are all amphibians and not reptiles. It made me curious about the different characteristics of amphibians and reptiles since many people wonder the same thing.

Similarities between Reptiles and Amphibians            

They are visually similar to me, in that they look creepy slimy or scaly. Like, I surely wouldn’t want to cuddle with real ones. Sorry to those snake, lizard, or frog loving folks out there. Please accept my apologies.

Their class in the animal kingdom (or phylum) is Chordata and the subphylum Vertebrata.

Both are Ectothermic; meaning they regulate their body temperature depending on the environments they are in. This is also known as cold-blooded.

They both use camouflage for protection and thermoregulation (a core internal mechanism to maintain body temperature).

Both amphibians and reptiles are mostly omnivores (they eat meat and plant-based foods).

The body of both animals has an opening called a cloaca. It is an outlet for the intestine and other processes.

Differences between Reptiles and Amphibians

Amphibians can live on and off the land, while reptiles only live on land.

When amphibians are young, they are considered tadpoles/larvae. When they are larvae, they are entirely aquatic and have rudimentary gills. However, when they grow older, through metamorphose their lungs replace their gills! Crazy right!? In contrast to an amphibian’s life cycle, reptiles lay eggs that hatch.

Amphibians have porous skin, which means that gas exchange occurs through the skin and that they can breathe through their skin. They don’t always use their lungs for breathing, and some salamanders don’t even have lungs! Reptiles have keratinized scaly skin. A reptile’s skin is mostly waterproof, and they do not dry out quickly.

Amphibians have webbed feet (to help them swim and jump, of course), and reptiles have four limbs.

Amphibian Printables

Now grab these printables to help your kids learn about amphibians in homeschool:

FREE Amphibians & Reptiles Guided Drawings

Amphibians Unit: Fact Pages, Life Cycle, Interactive Notebook Pages, and More | Amanda Richardson

Word Search – Amphibians | Monster Word Search

Amphibians Printable for Kids |

Reptiles & Amphibians Unit | Every Star is Different

AMPHIBIANS CHARACTERISTICS -Life Cycle, Activities and Printables for K-1 | Star Kids

FREE Printable Amphibian and Reptile Field Trip Mini-Book | Handbook of Nature Study

Montessori-Inspired Amphibian Activities with FREE Printables (Learn & Play Link Up) | Every Star is Different

Amphibians Coloring Page |                                                                             

Frogs are Amphibians | Joann Pilachowski

Learning About Slimy Amphibians (FREE Printable) | Souly Rested

Amphibians Resources Packet |First Grade Roars

Theme Unit Math & Literacy Activities and Centers Amphibians | KidSparkz

Amphibian Classification Worksheet | Have Fun Teaching

Animal Classification: Amphibians and Reptiles Bingo, Posters, and More! | Science and STEAM Team

FREE Printable Amphibians | Science School Yard

Amphibian and Reptile FREE Printables | Busy Bee

Reptiles and Amphibians FREE Printables | Simple Living Creative Living

FREE Amphibian Printable and Info. | Kidzone

Frogs and Toads

Life Cycle of Frog Emergent Reader | The Letters of Literacy

Frog Life Cycle Activities for Kindergarten with FREE Printables | Natural Beach Living

FREE Frogs Life Cycle Emergent Readers (4 levels)| In All You Do

Life Cycle of a Frog FREE Worksheets | 123Homeschool4Me

Fun Frog Facts for Kids with FREE Printables | Itsy Bitsy Fun

FREE Frog and Toad All Year Book Companion Vocabulary Task Cards | Promoting Success

Frogs and Toads: Free Resources and Activities | LMN Tree


Newts and Salamanders

Life Cycle of a Salamander coloring page | Super Coloring

The Salamander Room Lapbook Printables | Homeschool Share



FREE Caecilians Research Sheet | Study Ladder

Caecilian Facts For Kids & Adults, With Pictures, Information & Video | Active Wild


I hope that has brought some clarity to you all. Don’t forget to head over to learn more about reptiles here. Teaching your kids about reptiles and amphibians together makes for a great unit study.

Your kids will learn so much about and enjoy the differences and similarities between reptiles and amphibians. I still don’t think reptiles and amphibians are cuddly, although my son would probably beg to differ. He will just have to settle for learning about them vice having any as pets. Have fun learning about these amazing creatures!

Printables to Help Your Kids Learn About Amphibians. #amphibianprintables #learningaboutamphibians #learnaboutamphibians #reptilesandamphibians


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