Making Instead of Buying to Save Money Each Month

August 1, 2019

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Want to learn how to save money each month? Who doesn’t, right? I mean, the older I get the more I am looking for ways to save, save, save. Material things become less and less a priority while quality of life becomes more appealing. Learning how to save money each month with these 60 things to make instead of buy can help you do just that – SAVE.

60 Things to Make Instead of Buying How to Save Money Each Month

Making the most of what we already have is the key to smart savings and contentment. Learning how to make instead of buy is a complete shift in mindset for most families. I never even thought about “making” anything to save until I moved to a second world country where I didn’t have the luxury of buying anything I needed at the local grocery store.

The things I needed to cook became increasingly difficult to get and yet, I ultimately had to live without or learn how to make them myself. One of the things we learned to make was yogurt. My kids really love yogurt, yet it was not available here, and if it was – once in a blue moon- the price would be so that it wasn’t worth getting.

So, we learned to make it ourselves and for that matter, we learned to eat yogurt with more things. We eat it with fruit, oatmeal, and our dinner even — especially with any Mexican type food we make. The probiotic helps us get a healthy gut and save money. We are also able to help others learn how to make their own yogurt, give them a start-up batch, and help them if they ever run out. BOOM! Life just got a little better.

I am excited to learn all these new ways to make instead of buy-in my home.

Check out these 60 ways to save money by making things instead of buying them from The Frugal Navy Wife.

Making things with your kids is so much and creates lasting memories. Ever thought about cooking classes for your homeschool:

Teaching Your Kids How to Cook in Your Own Kitchen

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