How to Celebrate Your Incredible Kids

March 15, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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I obviously am not practicing humility here. I mean, let’s be honest, that God made our kids perfectly for us. We consider them to be quite incredible specimens. My kids are incredible to me, and yours are incredible to you. There is no guilt that should surround that. We actually should be praising God for them. Check out some cool ways to celebrate your incredible kids on the 3rd Thursday of March – it’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!

How to Celebrate Your Incredible Kids

Celebrate your kids!

I could just stare at my kids all day. Of course not when they are grumpy, but you know what times I am talking about.

I am talking about those days when they are all playing together without fighting, when they are studying on their own, when they learn to do things on their own or are playing sports or their favorite activity. Our kids are pretty cool.

Even in their saddest times or trials, our children are resilient and love us, despite ourselves. How and why my kids love me unconditionally, I will never understand. Nonetheless, they do, and they rock for that.

I bet you have pretty incredible kids yourself. Incredible enough to be celebrated. Not just on a birthday or when they do something right. But they should be celebrated because they are who they are because God fearfully and wonderfully made them. After all, God has every one of their hairs numbers, and they indeed are a gift to us from God.

My heart breaks to see kids being abused or mistreated, I won’t get into it too much for the sake of keeping this to the point, but our children are meant to be here, and they are precious. Why not let them know and show them? Let us not waste any time or risk our kids, not knowing that we appreciate them.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate your incredible kids, throughout the year even:

Praise their accomplishments, always. (BUT don’t overpraise for things that should be done regularly.)

Make their favorite breakfast or dinner.

Go on a nature walk with them, and explore the little things all around.

Play their favorite game outside – yes, outside. They will love it.

Make a fort with them, and even have a sleepover there – watch a movie with them in it with their favorite snacks.

Lay with your child while they fall asleep.

Do your kids love to dance? Have an impromptu dance party for the song of their choosing.

Let them sleep in.

Write them little notes to find throughout their room and week.

Write encouraging notes or proud mama kudos to them in the bathroom mirror.

Give them a pass on doing chores.

Create a small treasure hunt to a little present they have been wanting.

Order pizza!

Let your kids stay up late one day.

Have a fun-time photo shoot.

Take them on mommy child or daddy child dates.

Mother Daughter Dates | Long Wait for Isabella

21 Daddy Daughter Activities | The Domestic Lifestylist

10 Father-son Bonding Activities | Father and Us

19 Wonderful Dad-Child Date Ideas That Every | Playful Notes

29 Outdoor Mother Son Activities You’ll Both Love | Wondermom Wannabe

Now, there are several things we can do daily to celebrate our children. Celebrate their diversity. It begins by encouraging them with our words.

They say that it takes 7 positives to reverse just one negative someone tells us. We aren’t perfect parents, but we can give our kids words of encouragement. We can tell them how much they mean to us. God himself has left in His Word how powerful the tongue is. Let us use that to uplift our kids in a world that, at times, may be brutal to them.

Here are some words we can use to encourage our kids to celebrate them as a gift from God:

You bring me joy.

God fearfully and wonderfully made you.

I’m proud of you for who you are.

I love you, no matter what.

This family is not complete without you.

You are precious.

And my favorite:

The world is better with you in it.

Here are some resources to help you encourage your child every day:

Encourage Your Children FREE Printable | Rachel Woo

FREE 10 Encouraging Phrases for Kids (Instant Download!) | Free Homeschool Deals

Celebrating our kids is definitely something we should do more of. It is so easy to let life swallow up our days without appreciating the small stuff. Our children will be out of the house and living their own life before we know it – as much as we would like to deny it. Let us not let too much time go by without taking time to celebrate our children, celebrate the time we have together, and celebrate them being them.

How to Celebrate Your Incredible Kids

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