Great Bible Youtube Channels for Prek – High School

June 26, 2019

Brooke Poston

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YouTube Bible Channels for kids

I’m very cautious when it comes to teaching my children the Bible. Honestly, I’m absolutely critical about theology and the teaching of theology to our children. 

In the age that we live in, this society is overly zealous to pull our children further and further from Biblical truths sooner than ever before. We must be very watchful of who is teaching our children, and if they are getting true Biblical doctrine.

As homeschoolers, we have ample opportunity to bring the Bible in our daily lives in so many ways. Whether you choose a Bible-based curriculum, Bible lesson time, or just daily devotions- take the time to teach your children about Christ.

In my opinion, these Bible YouTube Channels should not take the place of actual teaching. But they are great examples and visual aids to help children/kids understand!

DISCLAIMER: Use these channels to your discretion and I suggest watching before your children to ensure they are teaching good Biblical standards. I have personally watched quite a few videos (not all) in each channel, but as a parent, you must decide what is best for your child. 

Bible YouTube Channels for Kids (Prek – High School)


Best suited for Prek-3rd but could accommodate older children as well.

Saddleback Kids

Kids on the Move

The Beginners Bible

The Holy Tales

Crossroads Kids’ Club

Veggie Tales

Upper Elementary 

Best suited for 4th-8th, but use your discretion. 

The Bible Project

Crossroads Kids’ Club

Share Faith Kids

Pursue God Kids

Teen – Adult

Best suited for High School+.


Girl Defined

Pursue God

I find it’s fairly easy to teach kids when they are at a young age as there is a plethora of quality information/videos out there that will peak their interests. 

However, it got a little harder to find Bible YouTube Channels and other resources for Upper Elementary and Teenage Years. Biblically sound resources for hot topic issues and hard Bible theology are few and far between. 

If you have resources for your pre-teen or young adult that you love, please let us know!!

However I still have a couple of other tips up my sleeve, because there are some amazing television shows for Christian Kids that so many people don’t know about!

If you’re looking for a good source for crazy good Kid’s Wholesome TV, look no further than JellyTelly. There’s seriously nothing better than this streaming network that offers ONLY Christian programming at a super cheap price!

If you already have Amazon, check out these great shows; Superbook, The Torchlighters, Character Builders, Owelgories, Adventures in Oddessey

Again, I’d like to reiterate to please use your discretion when allowing your children to watch these Bible YouTube Channels. Children respond differently and grow at different paces. What may be good for my children, may not be good for yours.

Besides Christian programming, our kids are also being drawn in by secular programming. Some of it great and innocent, and others- well, not so much. 

If you need help and direction when it comes to what you allow your children to watch, try checking out these Movie Review Sites for Christian Parents. You can’t go wrong when you follow these! 

Do you have a favorite YouTube Channel that you turn to in helping instill good Bible-based lessons in your children? 

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