Learn About Thomas Edison With Free Printables

February 2, 2020

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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This week in our famous scientist series, we are learning about the most well known scientist and American inventor. Thomas Edison has been described as the greatest inventor in America. Edison invented many devices that impacted how Americans lived and are an extremely important part of history. 

vintage style light bulb with text overlay Free printables and resources about thomas edison.


It’s important to learn about the famous men of science in order to appreciate how far we’ve come. Today, let’s learn about Thomas Edison.

Learn About Thomas Edison

Edison was the creator of the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long lasting electrical lightbulb. He was so inventive that he actually had over 1,000 patents for his many inventions! What a great scientist to do a unit study on because you can learn about his life, or pick one of his inventions to study. We have put together lots of free printables about Thomas Edison that would be perfect for a unit study in your homeschool.

Biography of Thomas Edison:

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11th, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was the youngest of 7 children and his mother was a school teacher. He attended public school for about 12 weeks and was told that he was too hyperactive, and distracted. So, his mother took him home and began to homeschool him.

Edison Begins Inventing

Can you imagine what that teacher would think today? Sending home such a genius because he was unable to learn in a classroom environment! Thomas Edison was such an amazing self learner that his mother didn’t even need to teach him. He devoured books and ended up being completely self taught. As a matter of fact, he began creating his own business and inventing at the young age of 12.

Find out even more details about his entrepreneurship, business ventures, and his inventions at Biography.com You can also download a free printable Thomas Edison Fact Card.

Recommended Resource: Famous People Notebook: Scientists

Explore the life and work of 10 scientists that changed history. Our biographical unit studies include text, comprehension questions, written narration, and answers.

Famous People Notebook Scientists workbook cover

Thomas Edison Facts for Kids

Thomas Edison Printables

Our Free Inventors Notebooking Unit  will help your children learn about 75 inventors (including Thomas Edison). It is a simple, handy tool to help your kids discover inventors while helping to sharpen  research skills. This is an instant download.

Free Inventors Notebooking text with image background of spinning gears

Thomas Edison Inspired Science Experiments:

Learn More About Thomas Edison:

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