FREE Louis Pasteur Unit Study at 3 Reading Levels for Kids
March 25, 2020
Sarah Shelton
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When I think of scientist Louis Pasteur, the first thing that comes to mind is the word pasteurization. That’s because Pasteur was the famous scientist who created pasteurization. This process helped to make milk safe to drink and dairy products safe to eat and to last longer. This method is currently used today to keep our food safe from germs. He also created important vaccines, and different fermentation techniques.
Louis Pasteur was the first scientist who discovered that microbes existed in the air around us. Pasteur was a famous pioneer whose studies created the foundation for our modern day understanding of the theory of germs. He laid the ground work for future scientists to study the theory of germs and vaccine development against diseases.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
Pasteur was born in 1822 in France. He was a French chemist and microbiologist. He discovered that heating up liquids and allowing them to cool would kill bacteria, thus pasteurization was born. His work in the theory of germs also allowed him to come up with vaccinations for anthrax and rabies. He was a great scientist who contributed so much to our health and safety in the world. His practices are still being used today. He died in Paris, France in 1895.
- You can read more on the biography of his entire life and his discoveries and creations at
- Learn about Louis Pasteur and all of his contributions to science with scientific diagrams and pictures at Famous Scientists.
- Pasteur Biography for Kids –
- Louis Pasteur Facts for Kids – Kids Kiddle
FREE Louis Pasteur Unit Study
We’ve created free Louis Pasteur learning packs to help kids of multiple ages learn more about this scientist and his revolutionary work. Use the whole pack as a small unit study of Louis Pasteur or grab just a couple of page as a supplement to any homeschool curriculum you may already be using.
The free digital printable pack includes:
- Image Analysis of the scientist and/or his or her work
- Read a Passage about the scientist with a place to take short notes
- 5 Key Vocabulary Words from the passages with definitions as well as opportunity to use the word in a sentence and/or draw an image to help your student learn the word
- Vocabulary Flashcards to use 2 ways: fold and learn or cut apart to use as a memory game
- 3-2-1 Reflection which gives a child the opportunity to write 3 things learned, 2 connections made, and 1 thing he or she would like to learn more about
- 3 Multiple Choice Questions with an opportunity to explain the their answer
- 3 Short Answer Questions
- 3 Reflect and Discuss Questions which can be used for personal reflection or to discuss as a family, homeschool co-op or classs.
And because we know that homeschool families may want to learn about the history of Louis Pasteur’s life and work together, we’ve also designed it at 3 different reading levels:
- Level 1 = Approximately Grade 3 reading level
- Level 2 = Approximately Grade 6 reading level
- Level 3 = Approximately Grade 9 reading level
Grab your copy of one or all three reading levels below today!
FREE Louis Pasteur Unit Studies:
Louis Pasteur Learning Pack
Level 1
Louis Pasteur Learning Pack
Level 2
Louis Pasteur Learning Pack
Level 3
More Printables and Resources About Louis Pasteur:
We’ve also searched the internet to compile a HSG FREE Resource Roundup list for you to give you even more choices. If you want additional homeschool resources to learn more about Louis Pasteur then check out these options:
- Pasteur Facts, Quotes and Information on Germs – Science Kids
- Louis Pasteur Timeline Poster and Printables – SparkleBox
- Lessons for Kids on Louis Pasteur –
- Louis Pasteur Notebooking Page – Homeschool Helper Online
- Louis Pasteur Worksheet –
- Printable Biography and Reading Lesson with Activities on Louis Pasteur – Teacher Vision
- Historical Profile of Louis Pasteur with different articles and photographs – Science History Institute
- The Rabies Vaccine Backstory Article – The Scientist
Science Experiments and Projects:
We love using hands-on science experiments and projects in our homeschool. It really makes the material come alive. Textbook science can be so boring to kids. Adding in extra hands-on activities can really help them to grasp and understand the concepts that they are reading about. They are also a lot of fun and can create some sweet memories.
Learn about Pasteurization:
- Practice Using the Scientific Method with Louis Pasteur – Learning Hypothesis
- What is Pasteurization? Learn about the pasteurization of milk –
- Educator Resources for Pasteurization – Brainpop Educators
- Pasteurization Lessons for Kids: Definition and Process –
Making yogurt is a great way to show your kids exactly how to pasteurize something. You can sometimes find lightly pasteurized milk at a health food store, or if you can get raw milk from a local dairy farmer, that’s even better. It’s a lot of fun to slowly heat the milk and watch the temperature change, and then instantly cool it in an ice bath. Here are some easy yogurt recipes to try at home with your family:
- Easy Homemade Yogurt in the Instant Pot – Raia’s Recipes
- How to Make Yogurt in Your Oven – Oh The Things We’ll Make
- Easy Crockpot Yogurt – Eating on a Dime
Information about Pasteur’s Germ Theory:
- Summary of Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease – Biology Wise
- Pasteur’s Papers on the Germ Theory – Biotech.Law
Paid Resource: Famous People Notebook: Scientists
Daily Skill Building has created an open-and-go notebooking study called Famous People Notebook: Scientists to explore the life and work of 10 scientists that changed history. This biographical unit studies include text, comprehension questions, written narration, and answers. If you are looking for one book your older students can use to independently explore multiple scientists, then this is a great option!
What to Explore More Famous Scientists?
This is part 9 of our 12 post series on famous scientists. If you would like to add even more scientists into your lesson plans then be sure to go to our Gregor Mendel unit study below to get another free pack.
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We have 3 different reading levels of a FREE Louis Pasteur Unit Study available for you to download. Scroll back up if you missed them.