FREE Printables and Ideas for Pretend Play
March 22, 2016

Sarah Shelton
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I just love watching my kids play. I love when they play pretend. It is so fascinating to watch them come up with creative ideas for playing and it never ceases to amaze me with how beautiful their brains are! One of our favorite things to do is to go to a local children’s hands-on museum. This museum has the coolest areas full of pretend play! There is a weather station, fire station, mini grocery store, diner, post office, veterinarian’s office and tons of dress up and role playing sections for creative, free play. My kids loved it so much that I thought it would be fun to have them do some of their own free play at home.
Here is a round up of some AMAZING Pretend Play Printables I found that will ignite the creative spirit in your kids!
“What I want to be when I grow up” play:
Doctor Pretend Play Kit Printables from Free Homeschool Deals
I’m the Doctor Pretend Play from Craftulate
Printable Pretend Play ID and Licenses from Itsy Bitsy Fun
Printable Library Cards from Clementine Creative
Vet Pretend Play Printables from Kids Activities Blog
Pretend Play Vet’s Office from Mess for Less
Zoo Pretend Play Printables from 3 Chickadees
Post Office Dramatic Play from Pre-K Pages
Free Mailbox Printables from Tiny Me
Post Office Play Printable Set from Pickle Bums
Camping Pretend Play Printables from Where Imagination Grows
Movie Theater Pretend Play from Research Parent
Store Play Printables:
Grocery Store Pretend Play Printables from Homeschool Share
Pretend Play Shopping Lists from Blooming Brilliant
Let’s Play Store Kit from Homeschooling
FREE Grocery Store Printables from Make Life Lovely
Printable Coins and Play Money from Activity Village
Play Restaurant Printables:
FREE Super Sandwich Menu, The Terrific Taco & Burrito Menu, and The Perfect Pizza Menu from Melissa and Doug
Dramatic Play Restaurant from Pre-K Pages
Dramatic Play Mexican Restaurant from Pre-K Pages
Printable Menus for Playing Restaurant from Amy J Delightful
Pretend Play Ice Cream Store from Spell Outloud
Learn, Create Love always has the cutest crafts. She has some GREAT Pretend Play Printable Sets. There are so many to choose from!
- Airport *printable*
- Classroom / School *printables*
- Coffee Shop *printable*
- Dress Shop *printables*
- Ice Cream Shoppe *printable*
- Library *printable*
- Pet Adoption & Vet Clinic *printables*
- Restaurant *printables*
- Zookeeper *printables*
Here are some of our favorite pretend play sets: