FREE Math Printables Series: Speed Drill Printables and Ideas

March 12, 2015

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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This is the last post in our FREE Math Printables Series!

Speed Drills
My daughters were both struggling with learning their math facts, and flash cards were too “booooriiing”, so I decided to make it fun and do speed drills with them. I wasn’t sure how this would go over, but when I showed them what we were doing and told them that they would get a prize for completing a series of them, they were ecstatic. Now they are asking me to do math drills every day and they are improving their speed and memorization faster than I ever expected! When I went on the search for some good math drills I found some great printables to share with you!

This is what we are personally using right now:
Spaceship Math (aka Rocket Math) from Dad’s Worksheets
 – there are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division worksheets as well as on online timer. I spent an entire afternoon printing off entire sections of the worksheets and putting them in binders for my girls.

When they complete a letter set of worksheets they get to mark it off on these really cool check off pages!

Once a sheet is marked off they get a prize! This can be a movie or ice cream date or a special toy they have been wanting. Anything to get theme excited to want to do the work. 

Here are some free organization printables and ideas from Rockin’ Teacher Materials on how to organize the Rocket Math System that are used in schools. Since the rockets look similar these printables are great to organize our Spaceship Math Drills!

Here are other speed drill printables and ideas:

Math has over 21,000 free math worksheets for multiplication, addition, fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement and many other math topics!

At Math Aids you will find lots of worksheets and speed drills, but you are also able to create your own to print out and use!

Laura Candler’s File Cabinet has free multiplication drill tests, worksheets, a practice board and more!

Free Online Timed Multiplication Quiz -This quiz is done online and is timed. You enter your name into the quiz and it keeps track of 10 quizzes and even prints you out a quiz report card on how you did!

Whole Brain Teaching has a great free download called Super Speed Math! This game is designed to teach beginning learners of any age math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the numbers from 0-10. he The student’s goal in Superspeed Math is to set and break personal records for the amount of math problems solved correctly in a minute.

No Time for Flash Cards has a fun post on how to Make Math Drills Fun with 2 quick activities!
kindergarten math
Don’t miss the rest of the posts in our FREE Math Printables Series:
Graphing Printables and Ideas
Measuring Printables and Ideas
Money Printables and Ideas

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