FREE Homeschool Organization Bundle – Over $80 Value (LIMITED TIME)

March 31, 2018

Carrie Fernandez


Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

It’s that time of the year – homeschoolers are busy organizing and logging their school year, planning curriculum for the NEXT school year, and deciding which conventions to attend. I don’t know about you, but I love and hate this time of the year. I am not the most organized homeschooler so it takes me quite a bit of time to get everything filed, logged, and put away. 

My absolute FAVORITE part of this time of the year is planning my curriculum for next yearand vowing to be better organized the next time around. As I was on a quest for some materials I could put to use in organizing my homeschool, I thought maybe you too would appreciate some help in this area.

We put together a FREE Homeschool Organization Bundle just for you! It’s valued at over $80 bucks and only available for a limited time (ends 4/6/18.)


Let me tell you friends, this free homeschool organization bundle is just amazing! It has everything you need to whip your homeschool into shape and get ready for the next school year. You will find the following organization printables:

  • Convention Planner Set
  • Daily Planning Sheets
  • Monthly Planners
  • Grade Trackers
  • Attendance Logs
  • Curriculum Shopping Lists
  • Field Trip Planners
  • Password Logs
  • Character Development Charts
  • Chores/Household Duties
  • Homeschool Mom Assessment
  • Academic Goals
  • Life Skills Goals
  • Wisdom & Insights
  • A Library Scavenger Hunt
  • Book Plates for Your Kids
  • Book Logs Galore
  • Books I’ve Borrowed
  • Books I’ve Loaned
  • Books I Want to Read
  • Books I’ve Read
  • Mini Book Reports
  • Fiction Book Reports
  • Nonfiction Book Reports
  • Easy-to-Fill in Reports that Reinforce What Your Child Has Learned
  • Various Charts and other Homeschool Helps

Here are the individual items included in this FREE offer:

Homeschool Convention & Curriculum Planning Pack$8.95 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Homeschool Adventure

convention-plannerSo you’re going to a homeschool conference….

Is this your first time? You’re going to love it! Homeschoolers are the most wonderful people in the world! Whether you’re new to homeschooling or a “battle-scarred” veteran, The Homeschool Conference Planner will help you get the maximum benefit from your time at the conference. Inside, you’ll find printable worksheets to plan, brainstorm, and record.

Booths to Visit
Curricula to Purchase
Curricula to Explore
Workshop to Attend
Shopping Budget
Gift Lists

Sales & Coupon Codes
Price Comparisons
Favorite Speakers & Booths
Workshop Notes
New Homeschool Friends

Academic Goals
Character Goals
Life Skills Goals
Wisdom & Insights
Websites to Visit
Conference Reflections

End of Homeschool Year Evaluation Pack – $9.99 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Life of a Homeschool Mom


Assess your homeschool year using this incredibly helpful 17-page End of Homeschool Year Evaluation Pack. It allows you to evaluate the following areas:

  • Attendance
  • Average grade {if applicable}, strengths and weaknesses for each child in each subject area
  • character development
  • chores/household duties
  • reading log
  • field trip evaluations
  • extracurricular activities for each child
  • standardized testing results {if applicable}
  • curriculum choices {what works, what doesn’t work, opinion of program, etc}
  • homeschool mom assessment {strengths, weaknesses, areas of concern, spiritual life, goals, thoughts, etc}

Homeschool Planner  – $10.00 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor:  Welcome to the Family Table ™


In this 10-page planner you will find:

  • Daily Plan Sheet – with a to-do list, menu, date box, daily quote box, chores, water intake, and notes section
  • Blank Monthly Planner – easy to customize for each month of the year
  • Grade Tracker Sheet – track grades by class, assignment, and grade
  • Attendance Log
  • Curriculum List – list your current curriculum or next year’s curriculum to help you plan
  • Reading List – keep track of books read, authors, and date finished
  • Field Trip Planner – plan the fun activities for the year on this easy-to-use sheet and classify them by subject
  • Password Log – for those of us who use any form of digital curriculum or even just email, this password log will help us to not lose those ever-so-easy to lose passwords!

Skill Trek Student Planner + Agenda for Teens  – $12.50 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Skill Trek


Your teen can keep track of appointments, assignments, goals, and their favorite memories with this Trekker Planner and Journal.
Take a look at what’s included:
About Me Page
Monthly Skills Log
12 Month Undated Calendar with space for naming goals and creating a plan to meet them. 
SundaySaturday Weekly Agenda
Hourly Schedule for Each Day of the Week (Great for keping up with appointments and learning time management).
Book Log
Field Trip Log
Field Trip Journal
Features the Cragsman mascot

Skill Trek Student Planner + Agenda for Elementary & Junior High  – $12.50 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Skill Trek


Your youngsters can keep track of appointments, assignments, goals, and their favorite memories with this Trekker Planner and Journal.
Take a look at what’s included:
About Me Page
Monthly Skills Log
12 Month Undated Calendar with space for naming goals and creating a plan to meet them. 
SundaySaturday Weekly Agenda
Hourly Schedule for Each Day of the Week (Great for keping up with appointments and learning time management).
Book Log
Field Trip Log
Field Trip Journal
Features the Skill Trek Trail Guides

Relaxed Mom Homeschool Planner  – $14.00 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Proverbial Homemaker

relaxed-hs-plannerThe Relaxed Mom Homeschool Planner is a beautiful and flexible tool that helps you define your vision for your homeschool, establish a pattern of blessing and prayer over your homeschool days, and put in place a routine-based planning system that really works for you. 

The Relaxed Mom Homeschool Planner includes:

  • Scripture focus with ESV and KJV available
  • 3 different weekly record views to choose from
  • Customizable pages to accommodate your needs
  • Designed for efficiency – no fluff necessary!
  • Print it, put it in a 3-ring binder, and you’re good to go!
  • 20 main pages (you’ll print extra weekly record and project planning pages) plus an additional section where 9 of the main pages are available to customize.

The My Book Log: A Notebooking Journey  – $15.00 FREE (THIS OFFER HAS ENDED)
Sponsor: Thinking Kids Press

book-logIt’s important not only that your children understand the basic structures of the library, fiction, nonfiction, and the books they read, but that they can learn to read with wisdom and discernment as well.

The My Book Log: A Notebooking Journey will allow your kids to learn everything they need to know to really understand reading fiction and nonfiction during their elementary years. Not only that, the notebooking portion of their book log gives them a way to practice what they’ve learned over and over again.

Are you ready to organize and plan your homeschool year? Sign up below for instant access:

This Free Offer Has Ended

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