Why Families Decide to Start Homeschooling
December 6, 2021

Alpha Omega Publications
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Although people choose homeschooling for many different reasons, there are a few overarching ideas that come up more frequently than others. In a 2020 AOP survey answered by more than 750 homeschoolers, these were the top 5 reasons parents listed for homeschooling:
Concern over school environment: 80%
More control over content that is taught: 79%
Provide moral/religious instruction: 77%
Feel called to do it/beliefs: 71%
To have a more flexible schedule: 66%
No matter the reason and no matter whether you joined the homeschooling ranks during Covid or long before the global pandemic, we wanted to reiterate why families decide to start homeschooling. Here are some of the answers AOP received from a Facebook request for parents to briefly share why they became a homeschool family:
“We made the decision we would homeschool before we even had kids.” – Elizabeth M.
“Originally, we chose it over distance learning. After the first year, they had no desire to go back.” – Sabrina S.
“My husband and I both attended public school. Enough said.” – Jennifer M.
“We were wanting a more self-paced Christian curriculum.” – Jodie B.
“We pulled our daughter out during 3rd grade because she had special needs. I have a Master’s in education, so I was able to better meet her needs at home. Her sister then joined.” – Erin L.
“We started in 2020 due to our daughter’s allergies and she wasn’t learning properly. We wanted a Christian based education for our daughter.” – Eva D.
“Covid. Homeschool was supposed to be temporary. Now it’s for keeps! 💕💕” – Danielle M.
“We loved at home learning during Covid. We decided to stay home and do a Christian based homeschool curriculum. We are so thankful.” – Burgundy H.
“It took me a good 3 years to leave the public school system after working for 3 different districts in 7 years as a teacher/coach. When I saw my son take to “virtual learning” during the pandemic, I followed my heart, and we are on our 2nd year! Although I miss my students and coaching, the amount of time I get with my son is priceless! We get a fully Christian based education at a middle school level, and I count my blessings every day. 💕🙌🙏” – Amber S.
“We have five children currently ranging in ages 11-22 years. We began homeschooling with our youngest 7 years ago with PreK and then brought our 4th child home for grades 6 and 7 until she transferred to private Christian school in 8th. My oldest three went all the way through public school, and as they did, we saw a rapidly deteriorating world view take place in the schools, and things that went against God’s Word were being celebrated and normalized. So, our number one reason for homeschooling was faith based and second would be academic. Our 4th child was going into middle school and had no idea what the definition of a noun was and was struggling in math. Homeschooling has allowed us to tailor our child’s curriculum to what works best with their learning style.” – Darci F.
“I have seen the village. And honestly, I don’t trust them with my kids. That’s not to say the teachers are all bad. There are some amazing teachers. The system they are trying to teach in is broken.” – Bethany R.
“Training up a child in the way they should go can’t be done by co-parenting with the government.” – Nickie T.
“For consistency. We know what’s being taught and when and homeschool doesn’t get shut down.” – Danielle B.
“Flexibility, consistency, and the security of knowing what my child is learning.” – Amanda D.
“My husband is a pastor, and we moved into a very bad school district. We couldn’t afford private school, so here we are!” – Nikki L.
“I had issues with the culture they were being exposed to.” – Nicki S.
“To instill Christian principles and morals. It’s what the Lord laid on my heart.” – Ashley H.
“Cheaper than private school.” – Haley B.
“To have more time together.” – Sarah C.
“God.” – Anne S.
“Family time.” – Blanca
“To have control of the learning process and what goes into my children’s life and values.” – Rachel
“Flexible schedule!” – Jeramie-Lee N.
“Freedom.” – Luana O.
“I want my children to be taught in a Biblical way!” – Cleta F.
“We feel it was a calling from God to take care of our girls and to strengthen their faith.” – Sio A.