Resources for Learning About Peru

September 14, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Are you studying about the countries of the world or South America? Check out these resources for learning about Peru, one of the most beautiful countries in the world filled with rainforests, mountains, and dry coastal plains.

Resources for Learning About Peru text with close up image of a child with a blanket covering their face


What is the first thing you think about when thinking about Peru?

I think of two things.

The first thing I think about is the gospel. I’ll tell you why.

No one knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return. We have been notified by his word that the spreading of the gospel is a sign of his coming. In Matthew 24:14, this was asked of Jesus:

(ESV) “When will the end come? And what will be the signs of your coming?” He said, “the Good News will be preached to the whole world so all nations will hear it, and then the end will come”

When thinking of Peru, I immediately think of the remote tribes of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. There is an estimation of about 15 uncontacted tribes in Peru right now as we speak.

One day, every last one of them will hear the gospel. Will they be the last ones to hear before Christ’s return? That is my imagination, but I can’t help but to wonder as I and many others anticipate Christ’s return.

The second thing I think about is much less intense.

It’s none other than… The Emperor’s New Groove; the animated movie which many of us once loved!

The Emperor’s New Groove was based in Peru. The ruler names Kuzco (yes, the one who turned into a llama in the movie) was based on an ancient Incan ruler and kingdom called the Incan City of Cusco, Peru.

The City of Cusco’s ruins of its civilization can still be visited at Macchu Picchu. It’s Sun Temple, Koricancha, still stands and the city is still thriving today.

Enough of the Emperor’s new groove. Peru has so much more your kids can learn about.

Peru is a beautiful and majestic country. Its rainforests hold species of animals that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. The country has a plant named Puya Raimondi that blooms only after 100 years’ time.

The extraordinary Andes Mountains are in Peru with its highest point reaching 22,205 ft high at the Huascaran mountain.

Machu Picchu, in Peru, is one of the top man-made wonders of the world. The grounds were built for the Inca Emperor Pachacuti in 1450. The layout of the estate was built following the natural contours of the peak where 200 buildings were arranged with terraces surrounding a central square. It is quite an amazing sight to see, in pictures even.

Peru is known as a poor country, yet is one of the richest country’s when speaking of natural resources. It is one of the world’s top producers of natural gas, oil, gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, and zinc.

Obviously, it was cool finding out facts with my kids about Peru, now it’s your turn.

Explore these resources for learning about Peru with your homeschool:

FREE All About Peru Printable Mini-Book

All About Peru Mini-Book text with image example of two pages over a red colored background

Peru- Alberta Grade 3 Social Studies Communities in the World | Encore Teaching Resources – The Encore Teacher

Kids Learn About Peru With Crafts, Games, A Book And More! | Kid World Citizen

Peru Books For Kids: A Collection Of Favorite Titles | Spanish Mama

Machu Picchu Activity Packet in English | Kid World Citizen

Peruvian Potatoes: history, cultural significance + a recipe | Kid World Citizen

Learn all about llamas in the Andes! (Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador) | Kid World Citizen

10 Fun Facts About Peru | Multicultural Kids Blog

FREE All About Peru Mini-book in Spanish and English! | Multicultural Kids Blog

Resources to Teach Kids About the Maya, Inca, and Aztec

Resources to Teach Kids About the Maya, Inca, and Aztec

Peru for Kids: Books on World Cultures | Spanish Playground

Little Songs of The Andes | Castle View Academy

Read Color and Learn about PERU (FREE) | Kindergarten Worksheets and Games

Living in a Quechua community | Surfing the Planet

VIPKID Peru Flashcards (Level 3, Unit 12) | Emily Valeika

Two Amazing Days in the Peru Jungle | Five Family Adventurers

Learn About Peru in Your Homeschool (FREE Unit Study) | Peanut Butter Fish Lessons

Peru Free Unit Study text with image examples of pages

Machu Picchu FREE Coloring Page |

The Incas — Global Learning for Kids – Peru | Crafty Moms Share

PERU – Printable handout with map and flag | Interactive Printables

Foods of Peru Reader & Comprehension Activities (English version) | Speak Up Language Learners

FREE Peru Facts and Puzzles in Spanish and English | Spanish Playground

These activities, videos, and resources will go great alongside your lessons about Peru.

Ten Free Peru Learning Activities for Kids | Mommy Maleta

Sprouted Quinoa Milk and Resources to Study about Peru | All Done Monkey

P is for Peru: Peru For Kids Virtual Tour | Local Passport Family

Virtual Field Trips to Peru | Bilingually Yours

The Ultimate Self-Guided FREE Walking Tour: Lima, Peru | Practical Wanderlust

Children in Peru write their own history on Wikipedia | WikimediaFoundation

Kids Interview a Friend in Spanish, in Peru (Kid World Citizen) | Becky Morales

Peruvian Dishes Your Kids Will Love | Family Adventures

Peru: Machu Picchu Video| Travel Kids

Fact Card – Peru | NatGeoKids

Peru Facts for Kids | Science Kids

Fun Facts About Peru for Kids | Easy Science for Kids

As you study the country of Peru with your little ones, remember to pray for those Amazon tribes to come to know Jesus somehow.

Pray for Christ’s return, commit to teaching your kids all about the gospel message, and stay ready to spread the gospel whenever you can.

Resources for Learning About Peru text with close up image of a child with a blanket covering their face

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