FREE Science Devotional from CrossWired Science

January 11, 2020

Shannan Swindler

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God\'s Wonder-Filled Science Deep Science Devotional

CrossWired Science’s Deep Science Devotional is a FREE printable ready for your tween or teen to jump into an understanding of God’s Wonder-filled science at a deep, impactful level.

Incorporating scriptural truths with deep science ideas, famous scientists, and character lessons is an ingenious way of creating multi-dimensional connections for your kids. We want them to understand the truth of God’s creation along with the lessons we can learn when we look closely at science from God’s perspective.

The thing I love about Crosswired Science is that they put two seemingly different things together (like bats and moon explosions) and show you how they are the same. It’s so cool! ~ Ian, age 11. 

To help you get a sense of how CrossWired Science pulls it all together below is an excerpt from their Deep Science Devotional free printable. No doubt, it will have you ready to click thru for the entire series. 

Science Devotional Part 1: The Science

Do you know what 3-billionths of a mouse’s brain looks like (the picture is in the download)? It took teams of scientists from Harvard and other universities 5 years to figure this out. They say it will take more computer data than is in the world today to map the human brain!

The really wild thing about this is that our DNA only has 30,000 coded regions. How can 30,000 of anything build a brain like that AND everything else in the human body? Apparently DNA is the ultimate condensation of knowledge, requiring an Infinite Mind to weave it all together!

Science Devotional Part 2: Understanding The Character Of The Creator

I believe this picture (the one of the mouse brain in the the free printable) may be the most astonishing picture ever made showing the infinite complexity of Creation. Think about it…This is three BILLIONTHS of a mouse’s brain.

Multiply it by 300 million and you have a mouse’s computer. How can it possibly work? How can our brains work?

They say that we are continually making ten million 3-11 dimension temporary electrical structures in every BB-sized part of the brain. 

And they think that this is where we may store memory! 


This is computerization of another universe! If our God is the designer of brains like this and He makes beautiful things like toucans and turtles, what is to come in heaven by the working of His great power?

Science Devotional Part 3: A Deeper Relationship With Our Creator

This verse gives us an idea: ”Things which the eye has not seen, and the ear not heard, and which have not entered the mind of man..all this God has prepared for those who love Him.”–2 Corinthians .2:9

The Bible tells us that: “Great is the Lord and abundant in strength. His understanding is INFINITE.” Psalms 147:5 This means that God perfectly understands every detail of our lives and has all the power needed to help. What does this mean for you?

It means there is good reason to give God everything that is weighing on you.

Your infinite God wholly knows every detail and has the very answer all planned out. Do what Peter told people to do: “Cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 ~Crosswired Science Devotional, Day 1

God, Faith & Truth 

CrossWired Science keeps God, faith, and truth at the core of their online science curriculum.

Each week of the deep science devotional combines a teen devotional and a science devotional. The week is finished by looking at quotes from famous godly. Students will examine them for a deeper understanding of the person’s spiritual lives and scientific views. These are great for discussion too!

CrossWired Science’s approach to teaching science is pretty simple, go deep (daily) and keep it fun and thought-provoking. It sounds so simple! They make it super simple for elementary students and those studying AP biology to use the curriculum at their personal level of understanding. Deep science understanding for every grade level!

Get your FREE Deep Science Devotional today. Then check out Mighty Feathers – An online digital course by CrossWired Science for ages kindergarten to AP Biology.

abstract art/science image with text overlay. God's Wonder-filled Science Deep Science Devotional from



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