Free Apologia Astronomy Worksheets by Lesson

January 11, 2019

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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Are you using Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy book in your homeschool this year? Apologia astronomy is an exciting way to learn about the basics of the field of astronomy and the vastness of the universe.

If you are looking for free worksheets that go with Apologia Astronomy, you’ve come to the right place! We have categorized astronomy worksheets by lesson to accompany Apologia Astronomy.

Free astronomy worksheets to go with Apologia astronomy


The Apologia’s Young Explorers Series

Apologia’s Young Explorers series is a homeschool science course for elementary-level students. It focuses on a narrow area of science for complete immersion in the individual topics. 

The hardcover textbook appearance can fool people into thinking this is a text book-based science curriculum, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Many Charlotte Mason style homeschoolers use this science curriculum with Apologia’s notebooking journals.

When you add extra hands-on activities and free printables for Apologia’s individual lessons, you can see how a 14-unit book can be used over the course of a full homeschool year for a complete science curriculum.

Long time users of Apologia

We have really enjoyed the Apologia Young Explorer Series in our homeschool journey. When we first started using this curriculum all we had was the 1st edition textbook. The notebooking journals did not exist at the time. In the very beginning of my homeschool journey you were able to find an astronomy lapbook to go with it instead.

So I began to to search for my own resources to make a notebook. There are many free resources for all the Apologia Young Explorer Series books, but taking the time to hunt for quality free resources for each lesson can take days and even weeks.

Exploring Creation with Astronomy is a homeschool astronomy curriculum that uses the Charlotte Mason Methodology to immerse elementary grades k-6 aged children into the study of astronomy.

Some of the topics covered are: the wonders of our solar system, stars, the sun, solar eclipse, planets, and more. Your kids will delight in the studies of galaxies, black holes, the asteroid belt and the wonder of our Creator.

Apologia Astronomy Notebooking Journal

With the release of the Astronomy 2nd edition textbook came the release of the Apologia notebooking journal. Each journal has a suggested schedule of activities and and a detailed daily schedule of what to read in the textbook. This is helpful for a mom who likes to see written lesson plans and is an excellent way to stay on track.

There are two different journals available for younger students and older students:

Junior Astronomy Notebook

The jr. notebooking journal is geared towards younger children that may need help with writing skills. They will enjoy the coloring pages and the scripture copywork pages that includes primary writing lines for extra help.

Apologia Astronomy Notebook

The regular notebooking journal has scripture copywork pages, vocabulary crossword puzzles and extra room to record more information that they have learned.

Free Apologia Astronomy Worksheets By Lesson:

We have saved you a ton of time and rounded up lots of science freebies and resources for you to use along with Exploring Creation with Astronomy.

Lesson 1: What is Astronomy?

Printable Star Gazing Scavenger Hunt – Search for the constellations and the phases of the moon with this scavenger hunt.

Famous Skywatchers Scientists – Learn about 5 of the most famous astronomers with short paragraphs, a word search and timeline.

Printable evening sky map -This is a 2-page monthly guide to the night sky suitable for all sky watchers including newcomers to Astronomy. It will help you to identify stars, planets, and more.

Lesson 2: The Sun

Free Printables and Unit Studies on the Sun – We have done an entire round up of resources all about the sun. There are tons of printables, unit studies, crafts, hands-on activities and book suggestions.

Free Planets Cheat Sheets and Fact Cards

How long is a year on the red planet Mars? Which two planets have no satellites? How much farther away from the sun is Neptune than Earth? Your students can find the answers to these and many more questions with these planets fact sheets, cards and cheat sheets.

planet fact cards

Lesson 3: Mercury 

Mercury Facts Worksheet – Learn about Mercury with this printable pop quiz and coloring page.

Planet Mercury Facts for Kids – Fun facts about Mercury with free printable poster.

Mercury in the Solar System Worksheet – Find out what Mercury is made up of with this printable.

Planet Mercury Lesson and Reading Comprehension Sheet – Reading comprehension passages and worksheets about Mercury.

Lesson 4: Venus

Venus Clouds Science Experiment – Venus is made mostly of carbon dioxide. Learn about Venus by creating clouds.

Venus Planet Worksheet – Color a cross section of Venus while learning about it with this worksheet.

Fun Venus Facts for Kids Worksheet – Learn some interesting facts about Venus with this colorful printable poster.

Lesson 5: Earth

Learn About the Earth’s Layers – Help your kids learn about the layers of the Earth with this science text worksheet.

Earth’s Layers Doodle and Write Graphic Organizer – Label, draw and write about the layers of the Earth with this graphic organizer.

Create a 3D Model of the Earth – A fun way to learn about the Earth and how it is made up is by creating a 3D model.

Earth’s Rotation vs. Revolution Game Freebie – This game will teach your kids about the difference between rotation and revolution of the Earth.

Recording the Earth’s Rotation with Shadows – Fun hands-on science activity that actually helps your kids see the Earth moving.

Recommended Resources: The Astronomy Student Notebook (A Master Books Companion Notebook)

Using a combination of written narration, drawing, & labeling, The Astronomy Student Notebook will take your student on a journey into our amazing universe. Students will study the heavenly bodies and ponder the mysteries and marvels of the sun, planets, moon, stars, and more.
Astronomy student notebook with galaxy background

Lesson 6: The Moon

Free Printables and Unit Studies on the Moon – We have another round up of resources that are all about the moon. There are tons of printables, unit studies, crafts, hands-on activities and book suggestions. There is even a free Notebooking Research Project Journal that is an instant download.

Moon Terminology Vocabulary Copywork Notebook – Let’s discover some fun facts about Earth’s only natural satellite, the moon, with this Free Moon Terminology Vocabulary Copywork Notebook.

Lesson 7: Mars

Mars the Red Planet Worksheet – Why is Mars called the red planet? Find out in this fun worksheet.

Plan a journey to Mars printable pack – This is a fun activity that will get your kids thinking about what it would be like to travel to Mars.

Mars Surface Printable – Color in Mars and see the different surfaces on the planet with this printable.

NASA Mars Explorations – Amazing resources to learn about Mars, as well as these really fun printable “recruitment” posters your kids will enjoy.

Mars Fun Facts for Kids – Colorful page full of fun facts about Mars.

Lesson 8: Space Rocks

Learn the difference between a meteor, meteorite and meteoroid worksheet – Learn the difference, then write about what you have learned with this printable.

Comet vs. Asteroid Worksheet – Read about the difference between comets and asteroids and then answer questions.

Comets Worksheet – What makes up a comet and causes them to look so pretty in the night sky? Find out in this printable.

Asteroids, Comets and Meteroids: What’s the Difference? – Power point presentation that will teach your kids the difference between all these types of space rocks.

Lesson 9: Jupiter

Jupiter Coloring Page – Detailed Jupiter coloring page showing the different surfaces of Jupiter.

Fun Jupiter Facts for Kids – Fun facts about Jupiter with a colorful printable poster.

Jupiter Facts Worksheet – Read about Jupiter, color the planet and see inside of it, then answer some questions with this worksheet. 

Fizzing Jupiter Science Project – Super fizzy fun Jupiter planet science project.

Jupiter in the Solar System – Learn where Jupiter is located in the solar system with this fun trivia page.

Lesson 10: Saturn

Saturn Planet Facts – Learn fun facts about Saturn and color the inside of it with this worksheet. 

Planet Coloring Page – Color the planet Saturn.

Saturn Facts for Kids – More fun facts about Saturn on a colorful printable poster.

Saturn Unit Study and Science Experiment – Fun, hands-on science experiment for the planet Saturn.

Lesson 11: Uranus

Timeline Worksheet March 13, 1781: Uranus Discovered – On this day, Uranus was discovered, find out who discovered it and what happened on that day.

Uranus in the Solar System – Find out how long a day is on Uranus and where it is located in the Solar System. 

Uranus Facts for Kids – Fact sheet with an overview video and a quiz to test your knowledge.

Lesson 12: Neptune

Neptune in the Solar System – Where is Neptune in the solar system worksheet.

Fun Neptune Facts for Kids – Fun facts about Neptune on a brightly colored printable fact sheet. 

Neptune Coloring Page – Coloring page of Neptune with a ring and without a ring.

All About the Planet Neptune – Learn about the planet Neptune then color it on this printable worksheet.

Recommended Resource: Famous People Notebook: Astronauts

Encourage your student’s reading comprehension skills while they learn about famous astronauts and space missions with this Famous People Notebook. Includes text, comprehension questions, written narration, and answer key.

famous people notebook astronauts

Lesson 13: Kuiper Belt and the Dwarf Planets

The Kuiper Belt Printables and Diagrams – Learn about the Kuiper belt and see diagrams of the belt and cross sections of a comet.

Kuiper Belt Objects Dwarf Planets Coloring Page – Color the dwarf planets found in the Kuiper belt.

Kuiper Belt and Dwarf Planets Worksheet – Many different worksheets about the Kuiper belt and dwarf planets.

Lesson 14: Stars, Galaxies and Space Travel

Types of galaxies and how they are formed, – Lots of videos with educational links.

Printable Montessori Universe Cards – Learn about the different galaxies, black holes and nebulas with these Montessori inspired printable cards.

Learning About the Solar System with Free Printables and Projects – Huge round-up on the Solar System that would go great with this book.

Subscriber Library Resource: Constellations Cards and Cheat Sheets

Throughout history, man has studied the heavens. Over time, they found patterns in their movements and arrangements and assigned names to groups called constellations. Help your students become familiar with the constellations with these Free Constellations Cards and Cheat Sheets. 

Constellation Cards & Cheat Sheets

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