Free Printables About Natural Resources

April 20, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Now more than ever, our children should learn about natural resources. These free printables about natural resources will make a great science unit to teach your children about the valuable resources made from the earth.

Free Printables About Natural Resources

Living in a second world country, we think about our natural resources a lot. Natural resources are vital to the livelihoods of smaller countries.

We think of how we can conserve our water and energy sources. We also think about how to produce more resources, while not disturbing and even helping the growth of our natural resources.

What are the natural resources?

A natural resource is considered something that is already found on the earth and used by people for sustainability. Earth’s natural resources include sources like light, air, water, plants, soil, animals, minerals, and fossil fuels.

Some or most of these natural resources help us stay alive and make our lives better. Some countries have really cool and printable resources like diamonds and oil.

When a country has a lot of natural resources, it can leverage its resources for sale and bring in income to the country. 

Types of natural resources:

Natural resources can be broken up into two types, renewable resources and nonrenewable resources.

In the country where I live now, I was contracted by the Australian government to manage a few programs that provided renewable energy to the outer islands. It was one of the most interesting things I have ever done in my career.

That is why I say years ago I wouldn’t have known much about natural resources. Thankfully I was able to learn loads of information about a particular renewable resource in energy. The energy comes from sunlight.

Renewable resources can never be depleted, they keep on producing like I mentioned sunlight, and others are water and air.

Nonrenewable resources include things like soil, stones, oil, and gases. They are considered nonrenewable resources because we use them up way more than they are being produced.

I am not a Save-the-Earth fanatic, because I know the Lord has creation in His hands. I find comfort in that whatever happens to the Earth; he allows it to happen. There is vast peace in knowing God.

He also tells us to take good care of it. Don’t believe me? Check out these Bible verses:

Genesis 2:15, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” 

Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Revelation 11:18, “The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”

Proverbs 27:18, “Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honored.”

Numbers 35:33, “You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”

Psalm 24:1, “A Psalm of David. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world, and those who dwell therein.”

God commands us to take care of our land. Let us help our children take steps to be aware of the natural resources around them, and how we can do our little part to help somehow.

Teach your kids all about the beautiful elements created by God. We can teach them to be people who take care of the land the Lord has put us in.

Here are a few resources to help you teach about natural resources in your homeschool:

Science Lesson Activities for Teaching Natural Resources | Seattle Pi

Natural Resources of the Earth | Eco-Friendly Kids

Engaging Ways To Teach Natural Resources | Priceless Ponderings

Science Video for Kids: Natural Resources of the Earth | Turtlediary

Natural Resources for Kids – Teach your kids and students about Earths Natural Resources | Clarendon Learning

10 Inspiring Natural Resources Activities | The Discovery Apple

Natural resource facts for kids | Kiddle

You might be interested in our Nature Notebook, a companion to Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman.

Nature Notebook workbook cover

Use these free printables about natural resources to go alongside your lessons.

20 Natural Resources Printables |

FREE Natural Resources Test | Help Teaching

Natural Resources Bingo and Printable Cards | California Academy of Sciences

Lesson Natural Resources on Earth |

FREE Natural Resources Activities and FREE Natural Resource Vocab Cards | Priceless Ponderings

Natural Resources FREE Lesson Plan |

FREE Natural Resources Task Cards | Stephanie Elkowitz

Natural Resources FREE Worksheets | PK-3 Resources

Natural Resources FREE Unit Bundle | Stephanie Elkowitz

Sample Natural Resources Science Notebook Photos | The Science Penguin

FREE Natural Resources Powerpoint | Third-A-Palooza

Manmade vs. Natural Resources FREE Magazine Activity | Cornett’s Creations

Natural Resources FREE Reading Passages  Warmups and Extra Work| Stephanie Elkowitz

Man-made and Natural materials FREE Download |

Natural Resources Google Drive Lesson Bundle | Stephanie Elkowitz

FREE 1st SCENE from Readers Theater Script: Natural Resources and Conservation | The RTSHOP Scripts in English and Spanish

Natural Resources Task Cards | Wyze Learning

Brochure Project for Location, Climate, and Natural Resources of Europe | Brandon Whitworth

Natural Resources Debate Intro Lesson | Owlet Resources

Man-Made vs. Natural Materials FREE Worksheet | Teach Starter

FREE Natural Resources Graphic Organizer | Katie’s Kiddos

Natural Resources FREE Scavenger Hunt | Care Free Teaching

Natural Resources (Animals) Powerpoint *EDITABLE* *FREE* | Miss Molly’s Room

FREE Worksheet: Sorting Natural Resources (primary/elem) | ABC Teach

Natural Resources and Man-Made Objects | CleverLearner

Natural Resource Printables

Check out our Geology Fact Cards Set – Students will learn about 12 different types of rocks and 8 different gemstones and minerals using the Geology Fact Cards set (not free).

Geology Fact Cards

FREE Rock & Mineral Journal | Homeschool Helper Online

Renewable Resources and Nonrenewable Resources |

Renewable Energy Lesson Plan and FREE Printable Worksheets | Woojr.

Resources to Help Kids Learn About Soil and Composting

FREE Resources to Help Kids Learn About Soil and Composting.

40 + Resources for Rocks and Minerals | Something2Offer

Solar Oven Project with FREE Printables | Jennifer Findley

FREE Rocks And Minerals Printables And Montessori-Inspired Rocks And Minerals Activities | Living Montessori Now

Free Rocks and Minerals Printables and Montessori-Inspired Rocks and Minerals Activities

Printable Water Cycle Worksheets + Diagrams | Itsy Bitsy Fun

We use a lot of electricity and water. We may not really understand the need to conserve it if we live in a first-world country.

However, we should be learning about what we can do to cut down and be aware of the natural resources the Lord has provided us. We may not always have the luxury to access all the natural resources we have today.

Here are a few practical things we can do today, right now, to cut down on our natural resource consumption:

Water consumption reduction:

1. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.

2. Collect your shower water in a bin instead of having it go down the drain. Use it to water your potted or garden plants.

3. If you have a backyard, consider getting a water barrel to collect water. You can use it for so many things like watering plants, washing your car, washing non-consumables, etc.

4. Drink more water! Yes, drinking more water is still so much less than the water you use to make tea, coffee, and other drinks.

Check out this water footprint calculator to test how you are fairing with your water consumption.

Reducing electricity:

1. Make it a habit to turn off all lights in your home, that you are now using.

2. Shut down your computers at night, so monitors aren’t running.

3. If you can remember, purchase Energy Star certified electronics to ensure you are consuming the least amount of energy with your appliances.

4. Use power strips to reduce the amount of load on your electrical plug.

5. Use fans instead of Air Conditioning (A/C) where you can. (I don’t have to worry about that, no A/C/ in my home.

6. Stay warm with blankets instead of putting on the hat as much as you can stand.

Take the carbon footprint challenge. All of us can do our part, one family at a time.

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Free Printables About Natural Resources

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