FREE Printable High School Homeschool Planner

August 31, 2018

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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This high school homeschooling planner is super useful to keep all requirements on track and documented for your college bound homeschooler. The planner has a “big picture” page for visualizing all high school years at once, options to place subjects and create a general outline for the next 4 years. The “big picture” view makes a way for us to see gaps in our teenager’s learning. The goal of these planning sheets is to help plan the next 4 years in a simple format.

Note: Specific to Canadian homeschoolers, the planners also include a list of the provincial requirements that public school students are required to earn their provincial diplomas.

Click here for your free high school homeschooling planner from The Canadian Homeschooler.

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