Free Mason Jar Tissue Holder DIY

February 23, 2018

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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I love Mason jars and I just can’t seem to stop collecting them. I can on a regular basis so I am always trying to scoop them up when I found them on clearance or in thrift stores.


I also really love the look of mason jars. They are fun and old fashioned, with an eclectic twist. I have them in various places all over my house. My favorite mason jars are these old Ball blue mason jars. I use them in my bathroom to store cotton ball and q-tips. When I saw this adorable DIY from The Happy Housewife I just knew that I wanted to try to make this for my bathroom. This mason jar tissue holder is so unique, I have never seen anything like it before. It’s really fun and would look great anywhere.

You can see this DIY with a detailed photo tutorial HERE.

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