FREE Homeschool High School Planning Sheet (and Some High School Help)

January 5, 2018

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Having high school students truly is a completely new dynamic. As you kick off the high school years, you may find just how different things really are. Your teenager needs to be more involved. There’s no working around that, and that can be a challenge in and of itself. Although, we have been able to mold the courses are children take up until now, this may not be the case when approaching high school. Teenagers will be really interested in somethings and totally NOT in others. It’s a different type of challenge, but it should be a good change for you both. 

Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus provides some tips and tricks for high school years that may help you through it all. Remember that as you plan things… things may change, but it definitely helps to have goals to aim for and achieve. This hopefully will motivate your high schooler to set goals for themselves as well.
Free-Homeschool-High-School-Planning-Form-@-Tinas-Dynamic-Homeschool-Plus (1)
Click HERE for Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus‘ FREE printable homeschool high school planning sheet and tips to help you during the high school years.

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