Ancient, Middle Ages & Modern History YouTube Channels for Kids

March 8, 2020

Annette Breedlove

Annette Breedlove

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History is one of those subjects that just never clicked for me. I love learning about the different times and the culture back then, but I was never really fascinated with it enough to remember it. Although that has improved some since homeschooling my own children, but I still usually leave it to my husband.

However, when he’s not around or we want to learn more about a time period or historical event, we often turn to movies or YouTube for videos. My husband either watches the videos beforehand or sits with them while they watch together so he can monitor them.

ancient ruins with overlay text "Ancient, Middle & Modern History YouTube Channels for Kids"

What I love about the videos, is that they feel like they’re getting “screen time” but really they are just learning. We have found some really cute and fun videos for history. In fact, there are a TON of them if you just type in “history for kids” on YouTube.

So in an effort to make it easier for everyone, I divided them up. Today I’m sharing videos on YouTube all about Ancient times, the Middle Ages, and Modern History. Kids will learn about Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Mayan culture, Castles, the Wright Brothers, the Berlin Wall, and much, much more!

Teach kids that history doesn’t have to be boring by using YouTube videos to inspire them to learn more! They might just start to fall in love with history too!

NOTE: YouTube can be a wonderful tool when used correctly. We encourage parents to review channels first before your child views it. We do not make any claims to know what is appropriate for your child(ren), that is totally your call. Please review these channels to make sure they align with your homeschooling goals and values.

Ancient History YouTube Videos

Ancient Egypt for Kids | Homeschool Pop

Ancient Greece for Kids | Homeschool Pop

Ancient Egypt for Kids | EdYouToo

The Persians and Greeks | Crash Course

Ancient Rome for Kids | Homeschool Pop

Exploring Maya Civilization for Kids | Free School

Ancient Mayan Facts for Kids | KidsKonnect

Ancient Greece – 5 Things You Should Know | Smile and Learn

History of the Roman Colosseum for Kids | Free School

Acropolis of Athens History – Fun Facts for Kids | Mocomi

The Roman Empire – 5 Things You Should Know | Smile and Learn

Historia Civilis – This channel focuses on Ancient Greece and Rome and is very kid-friendly. This channel would be great for all ages.


Medieval History Videos

Castles for Kids – Medieval History for Kids | Free School

The Middle Ages for kids – Five things you should know | Smile and Learn

Medieval history for children | Learn about knights and Middle Ages | Moogoopi

History For Kids: The Medieval Ages | Happy Learning English

Medieval Europe: Crash Course European History #1 | Crash Course

Medieval Knights | A Kid Explains History

Becoming a Medieval Knight | Simple History

Adventure into the Renaissance | Smile and Learn

Middle ages daily life style – City life in the middle ages story for kids | Ancient Library

The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 minutes | Margreet de Heer


You might also enjoy: 45 Movies & Shows for Kids Based on History

old movie camera drawing with overlay 45 Movies & Shows for Kids Based on History


Modern History Videos

Western History for Kids, Part 2 – renaissance & early modern | Sanger Academy

Fun Facts about the Wright Brothers | Free School

A Kid Explains the Berlin Wall | A Kid Explains History

A Kid Explains Sitting Bull | A Kid Explains History

The Space Race for Kids | A Kid Explains History

Women’s Right to Vote | A Kid Explains History

Industrial Revolution | Happy Learning English

Modern Thought and Culture in 1900 | Crash Course

The Railroad Journey and the Industrial Revolution | Crash Course

Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution | Crash Course


If video streaming is your thing, check out these other subject-related posts for videos and YouTube Channels:

Educational Movies & Shows for Individual Subjects:

Find more homeschool resources on my Pinterest boards!

ancient ruins with overlay text "Ancient, Middle & Modern History YouTube Channels for Kids"

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