9 Gifts for Teen Entrepreneurs

November 30, 2020

Abby Banks

Abby Banks

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Do you have teens who are starting a business or hope to in the new year? Here are 9 gifts for the teen entrepreneurs on your gift list.

9 Gifts for Teen Entrepreneurs text with image background of a girl holding a camera

Business Boutique

Business Boutique by Christy Wright of the Dave Ramsey team is geared toward women. It will walk your teen girls through the steps of defining their passions and talents, figuring out business ideas, and practically how to make it happen. This book even covers topics such as budgeting, taxes, and pricing. This book is a great one for your teen to start with if she is a budding entrepreneur.

Building a Storybrand

Next, Donald Miller’s book, Building a Storybrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen, will help your young entrepreneur learn to understand and market their business. The knowledge they gain from this book will help them market their business, whether they are running a local lawn care business, building an online handmade shop, or getting customers for their virtual assistant gig. 

Selling on Etsy Masterclass

Maybe your teen creates handmade products and would love to open an Etsy shop? Then help them get started quickly and with the right foundation by enrolling them in the Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens. This course can count toward high school credit, and will walk your teen through every step they need as they open and run a successful Etsy shop. Dozens of teenage entrepreneurs were able to open profitable shops this year with the help of this course!

This course will help your teen to:

  • Learn about the Etsy platform
  • Complete Market research about potential products
  • Create an Etsy shop
  • Improve photography skills
  • Write professional sales copy
  • Learn SEO
  • Discover best practices for customer service
  • Create systems and organization
  • Keep track of business finances
  • Learn about social media & marketing an online shop
  • Improve at their craft
  • Enjoy camaraderie with other homeschool entrepreneurs in a private Facebook group

Here’s what students are saying about this course.

Last summer I joined Abby’s Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens. I was 12 at the time, and only had a couple sales. Abby was quick to answer my questions. She also gave me personalized advice to improve my Etsy shop. After investing time to experiment with what worked and what didn’t, I learned a lot about business and selling on Etsy. I’ve been able to reach over 100 sales! It’s so helpful for a new Etsy seller to have a step by step action plan to start their shop. Anna from AnnaMadeDesignCo

My teen has loved this course. It’s so thorough and easy to follow that it has finally given her the confidence to open the shop she’s been talking about for years. And she had her first sale within hours! Laina of www.trianglehomeschoolresources.com

Etsy Quickstart Guide

If you don’t quite want to invest in a full online course, then consider the Etsy Quickstart Guide for your creative teen! This ebook is the perfect solution for a teen who is a self-starter, motivated, and organized. If they are able to take action themselves without assignments and structure, then the Etsy Quickstart Guide will do just what it promises – it will help your teen (or you!) open an Etsy shop and start selling their products. Etsy is the perfect platform for handmade sellers, or vintage resellers. But one area that many people don’t consider is graphic design work – you can sell printables, especially stickers and printable home decor on Etsy.

Intro to Adobe Photoshop

If your teen would like to start an online Virtual Assistant business or maybe just learn essential skills for a future career, then consider this Intro to Adobe Photoshop course from Fundafunda Academy. You can count it toward 1/2 high school credit on their homeschool transcript.

There’s a high demand by future employers for skills in Photoshop. Careers that would use Photoshop the most include:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Photographer
  • Freelance Designer
  • Web Developer
  • Art Director

MicroBusiness for Teen Entrepreneurs

Check out the Micro Business for Teens book series by CPA Carol Topp. These books offer ideas, a business plan, pitfalls to avoid and resources to get a teenager started making money running their own micro business.

Photography Course for Teen Entrepreneurs

Starting a photography business is a great idea for teen entrepreneurs! Consider investing in an online photography course for your student. Here are two great options.

First, Fundafunda Academy offers a semester-long Photography course that would count as 1/2 credit on their homeschool transcript. This course uses fun challenges to teach basic photography skills.

Or, take a look at this 1/2 credit online Photography class from True North Homeschool Academy. Here’s what it covers:

  • Loving Your Subject with the Perfect Backdrop Framing Lighting Composition
  • Emotion
  • Portraits
  • Nature & Landscape
  • Still Life
  • Macro & Food Photography
  • Famous Photographers
  • Becoming Me As A Photographer
  • A Great Photograph Deserves to Be Sharp

eBay Reseller Mini Course

Maybe your in-house entrepreneur is more of a reseller than a handmade creative. If so, then check out the eBay Reseller Mini Course for Teens! This ebook will walk them through the steps of decluttering their personal possessions first, reselling them, making a profit, and then reinvesting in their eBay business. It’s a great business for kids who have an eye for profitable items at thrift stores and yard sales. They can even resell family member’s cast-offs to get their business going without much risk.

Podcast Launch for Teens

Finally, your chatty kids might love to start a podcast! Believe it or not, your teen can start a podcast for basically $0 down and they can even make money on it without any minimum listenership. The key to this is using Anchor.fm as their podcasting host and recording directly in a phone. Of course, they can go higher tech than that if they want to, but it’s not essential. Podcasting really is possible for anyone! If your teen would benefit from step-by-step instructions along with helpful video content about getting their podcast off the ground (and profitable!), then check out the Podcast Launch for Teens and save 20% with the coupon code MOXIE

The Podcast Launch for Teens will help your teen:

  • Learn about podcasting as a communication tool
  • Complete market research about potential show ideas
  • Study & practice the art of interviewing
  • Learn about the technical aspects of podcasting
  • Write an elevator pitch
  • Evaluate different types of marketing
  • Organize and complete the steps to launching Season 1

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