55 Felt Crafts Kids Can Make (No Sew, Sewing & Play Mats)

September 12, 2019

Annette Breedlove

Annette Breedlove

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I remember going to Sunday School as a young child. One of my favorite parts was the felt board. When I was really little, I remember wondering how in the world did they ‘stick’? I was completely fascinated with the board and putting the characters and pieces on the board. It was always a great Sunday when it was my turn to be the helper.

Although we don’t have a felt board at home, I still have a fondness for felt. I love buying pieces of it with high hopes that we will actually use them for craft projects. For years, I had a huge bin that was my “stash”, but was never touched. However, my youngest daughter is an avid crafter now and loves to create all the things, so they are finally getting put to good use.

55 Felt Crafts Kids Can Make

Felt Crafts

With our stash of felt, my daughter has used her imagination to create dresses for her dolls, items for her dollhouse and so much more. However, more recently she has been asking for some actual projects to do with our craft supplies. So I started searching for non-sewing felt projects to get us started.

Felt Projects

For Christmas last year she got a craft kit with several felt projects. They required both gluing and sewing, which proved a little more difficult for her little hands. She has worked hard to learn how to use a needle and thread her yarn, but still needs a little guidance and supervision for the actual sewing.

But these fun little projects are a great way to help her improve her skills. And I love that it counts as an extracurricular for our homeschool too! 

New-Sew Felt Crafts

If your kids love crafting, they will love these adorable felt crafts for any age! Check out these no-sew options!

Breakfast Felt Craft

Easy Felt Crafts

Woodland Animal Pumpkins craft

Felt Crafts for Kids

Felt Crafts

Felt Play Mats & Boards

Simple Sew Felt Crafts

Easy Sewing Felt Crafts

Find more homeschool resources on my Pinterest boards!

55 Felt Crafts Kids Can Make

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