A to Z Animals Posters

May 2, 2018

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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These animals posters cover all alphabet, from A to Z. Great for display and creates an engaging learning environment. Each poster has three animals starting with a specific letter of the alphabet. Teachers can use this poster for the letter of the week or run through the whole alphabet.

Letter A Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter a: anteater, armadillo, and alligator.

Letter B Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter b: beaver, butterfly, bear.
Letter C Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter c: chicken, camel, cat.
Letter D Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter d: dolphin, dodo, deer.
Letter E Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter e: echidna, emu, elephant.
Letter F Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter f: flamingo, frog, fox.
Letter G Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter g: gopher, gorilla, giraffe.
Letter H Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter h: hedgehog, hamster, horse.
Letter I Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter i: insects, ibis, iguana.
Letter J Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter j: jellyfish, jackal, jaguar.
Letter K Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter k: kiwi, kangaroo, koala.
Letter L Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter l: ladybug, lion, lobster.
Letter M Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter m: mole, monkey, mouse.
Letter N Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter n: nightingale, newt, narwhal.
Letter O Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter o: octopus, opossum, owl.
Letter P Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter p: penguin, pig, pelican.
Letter Q Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter q: queen bee, quail, quetzal.
Letter R Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter r: rabbit, raccoon, rhino.
Letter S Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter s: squirrel, skunk, sheep.
Letter T Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter t: toucan, turkey, tiger.
Letter U Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter u: umbrellabird, uakari, unicorn.
Letter V Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter v: vampire bat, vulture, vicuna.
Letter W Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter w: wolf, walrus, whale.
Letter X Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter x: x-ray fish, xerus, xantus.
Letter Y Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter y: yak, Yorkshire terrier, yellow baboon.
Letter Z Animals Poster covers animals that start with a letter z: zorilla, zebra, zebu.

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