Resources for Learning About Mexico

April 27, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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Learning about other nations is something I feel American kids don’t learn enough about in the public school system. If you are intentionally teaching your kids about the nations around the world, then these resources for learning about Mexico will be great to learn about.

Resources for Learning About Mexico


I wish I had the time to explain all the differences of the Hispanic cultures to the people I meet, or even to you here. It would definitely take too long, but I will try to explain briefly.

I can’t tell you how many people ask me, a Puerto Rican if I make tacos – or something of that sort. Each time in my head, I wonder if I should stop to give a cultural lesson or if I just roll with it. I mean, I love tacos, and I cook them, but news flash world – Puerto Ricans are not from the land of tacos.

Tacos were coined by Mexicans, and I am pretty sure that asking a Puerto Rican if she knows how to make refried beans, tacos or tamales, is probably slightly as offensive to a Mexican as it is offensive to us. 

A quick clarification:

So here is my attempt to help clarify things. Each Hispanic culture is super proud of who they are, most of the people I have met anyway. We love the culture of our ancestors, and therefore, calling a Mexican “Puerto Rican” or “Colombian” and vice versa will always, quite possibly, be offensive.

So if you have a burning desire to ask a Hispanic person anything about their heritage, I would first ask them what their ethnicity is. Not ask if they are specifically Mexican, Cuban etc. (You’re welcome.)

Briefly here is a run-down to maybe clarify things (I hope I do not confuse you.):

Hispanic – based on whether someone speaks the language of Spanish (Spanish the language, like English. We speak English but do not live in England.)

Spanish – always = people from/having the nationality directly from Spain (no where else)

Latino – those with a heritage from a geographical location, being Latin America

Today, we are specifically focused on the beautiful and culturally rich country of Mexico.

If you can believe this, sometimes people may confuse Mexico as well, especially with New Mexico. Shame. Anyway, Mexico is an actual country in North America, sharing its northern border with the United States of America’s southern border. This border is actually the second largest border in the world, stretching about 2,000 miles (3,155km) long. Note: The 1st largest is the Canadian and U.S. border.

It was home to the indigenous people of North America, mainly the Mayans and Aztecs. Most Mexican people today are known as mestizos, which is a mix of both Spanish and Indian blood. If you want to read more about the indigenous people who called this land home before settlers came, check out this article Resources to Teach Kids About the Maya, Inca, and Aztec.

Resources to Teach Kids About the Maya, Inca, and Aztec

Look, I am just going to lay this all on the line here again before I continue. I LOVE Mexican food. I mean, it is so good; it’s one of my favorite foods ever. However, Mexico is anything BUT just a country with fantastic food.

I wanted to share some interesting facts about Mexico, which make it a country worth studying and even visiting.

Mexico has over 130 million people that live there, 50% of the population being children.

Its official name is the United Mexican States or Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Mexico is located in what is called the “Ring of Fire.” This is the world’s most prominent volcano and earthquake region in the world. No worries though the volcanoes are mostly dormant, but the zone is definitely dangerous because of earthquakes.

The colors of the Mexican flag stand for independence, unity, and religion.

Mexico has a lot of natural resources, like oil, silver, copper, and agricultural products.

The northern part of Mexico is a desert, the southern part is a tropical rainforest, and most people live in the middle of the country.

Some of the smallest dogs in the world are Chihuahuas, named after a Mexican State.

A Mexican invented the system of color T.V. in 1942 named Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena.

The ancient Mexican societies created amazing artwork, built great cities with huge pyramids, and used the amazing art of studying stars and planets to plant crops and run their ceremonies.

The Maya people built the Chitzen Itza, visited by more than a million people each year.

Mexica is one of the world’s top travel destinations. This includes being the United States’ top tourist destination.

The country is the most bio-diverse country housing the most reptile species in the world, 700 species, and has the second most species of mammals in the world – 430 species.

One more cool thing my kids enjoyed was that hot chocolate was considered a sacred drink by the Aztec Indians. So if you study Mexico, make sure you have some hot chocolate ready when your kids learn about this cool fact.

Explore these resources for learning about Mexico in your homeschool:

All About Mexico – Country Study | Holly Rachel

Learning about Mexico Resource | Ben and Me

Learning About Mexico Resources

Mexico Geography- Aztec YouTube Video Graphic Organizer | Instructomania with Mr and Mrs P

Minibook: A Country Study about Mexican Culture ~ in English | Kid World Citizen

Mexico Fun Fact Cards | A Quiet Simple Life

“Trip to Mexico” PowerPoint & Activities Pack | Ashley McKenzie

Mexico Lesson and Activity | The Classroom Key

Lapbook or Interactive Notebook on Mexico | Jill Russ

Mexico Country Study: A Mini-Unit With Mexico Flip Book | Heart 2 Heart Teaching

Booklet (a Mexico, country study!) | Emily Bynum

Mexico Country Study: A Complete Unit with Articles, Activities, Vocab & Craft | Heart 2 Heart Teaching

Resources to Celebrate Mexico! | Elementary Matters

Mexico Display Board Poster Project Kit | School Project Printables

12 Engaging Children’s Books about Mexico | Rebekah Gienapp

Mexican Mirror Painted Paper Art | Painted Paper Art

Facts About Mexico | Making Friends

Fact Book: All about the Country of Mexico | Inquiring Our Way Through Third Grade

Mexican Flag Craft | Artsy Momma

Country Facts Board (FREE Printable on Mexico) | Our Crafty World

FREE Country Report Worksheets | Discover Unit Studies

Mexico FREE Coloring Activity | Multicultural Kid Blogs

All About Christmas – FREE ACTIVITIES – Mexico | Keeping My Kiddos Busy

Flag Printable (Mexico) Coloring Page | Infarmasi

Mexico Day Party Crafts for Kids | Pragmatic Mom

All About Mexico Reader FREEBIE | Brandy W

FREE Mexico Word Search | DLTK-Kids

Children’s Books About Mexican Culture | Inspired by Family

Mexico Themed Activities for Kids (FREE Printables) | Child Fun

May 5th is Cinco De Mayo. I am sure most of you have at least heard about this Mexican holiday. Cinco de Mayo (pronounced [ˈsiŋko ðe ˈmaʝo] in Mexico means the”Fifth of May”). It is an annual celebration observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla (on May 5, 1862), under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza.

Grab these resources for Cinco De Mayo in Mexico:

Cinco de Mayo – Mexican Independence Day Making Mariachis FREE Distance Learning | Kathryn Garcia – Made For Learning

Cinco De Mayo (Teacher Approved) Videos For Kids | Simply Kinder

FREE Resources, FREE Activities, Craft Ideas, and Cinco De Mayo Lessons | LMN Tree

Cinco De Mayo Activities for Spanish Class | Spanish Mama

Cinco de Mayo FREE Tot & PreK-K Pack | In All You Do

Cinco De Maya Tot & Pre-K Pack text with image examples of pages

FREE Cinco De Mayo Study Unit Resources | Mommy Evolution

FUN Cinco De Mayo FREE Preschool Packs | Blessed Beyond a Doubt

Reproducible Guided Reading Booklet Cinco de Mayo | Paula’s Primary Classroom

Coloring Book – Cinco de Mayo | Write Bonnie Rose

Cinco De Mayo Coloring Book

Cinco De Mayo Fun with Some FREEBIES | Fern Smith Classroom Ideas

FREE Cinco de Mayo Resource and More! | Teach 123 School

Cinco De Mayo Word Search FREE Printable | Crayons & Cravings

Fun Cinco De Mayo Ideas For Kids – Learning About Culture | Simply Today Life

Cinco de Mayo FREE Word Scramble | Puzzles-to-Print

(FREE Printable) Cinco De Mayo Taco- Fun Activity for Kids | JDaniel4’s Mom

Have a happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone!

Resources for Learning About Mexico


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