Inventors and Inventions: Free Printables and Unit Studies

August 21, 2014

Sarah Shelton

Sarah Shelton

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Have you ever thought about doing a unit study on famous inventors? Inventions are fascinating and inventors are so much fun to learn about. It is a great conversation when you talk to your kids about the inventions that were created and what our world would be without these things. Makes for a great history lesson and a lesson on appreciating what we have!


I have put together this list of printables, unit studies and ideas so that you can put together your own studies on inventors and their inventions!

FREE Printables About Inventors:

Inventors and Inventions Timeline

Graphical Organizer Inventor Chart

Famous Inventions That Shaped Our Lives

Student Invention Convention Inventor Log

Toy Invention Activity Sheet

Famous Inventors Graphic Organizer

Archimedes Unit Study

Inspiring Inventors – A History Freebie (Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell)

Inventors and Innovators of the Late 1800’s & Early 1900’s Flashcards

Ingenious Inventors Word Search

U.S. Industrialization Inventors and Inventions Chart

5th Grade GPS Inventors STEM Activity

Inventors Pop Up Book and Graphic Organizers

Unit Studies on Inventors:

Inventors and their Inventions Unit Study and Printable Booklets from Michelle’s Charm World

Sir Alexander Fleming Unit Study Helps with Printables from Mama’s Learning Corner

The Genius of Leondardo Da Vincci and the Wright Brothers

Teachnology has a free Lesson Plan Guide on Inventors and their Inventions

Cybrary Man has an entire page devoted to scientists, inventors with information, websites and more!

Unit Studies About Inventors from Homeschool Share:

Popcorn at the Palace Unit Study on the book and inventor Olmsted Ferris

Inventors Notebooking Pages for 17 Inventors

Leonardo’s Horse Unit Study and Lapbook

Connections: Inventions and Inventors Lesson Plans, Unit Studies and more!

FREE Books from the Public Domain about Inventors and Inventions:  

Homeschool Commons has these great posts about these Living Books on inventions and inventors!

Stories of Inventors

The Boyhood of Great Inventors

The Story of Great Inventions

War Inventions and How They Were Invented

Stories of Great Inventors

Web Sites on Inventions and Inventors:

Alexander Graham Bell Games and Activities for kids

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Invent Now

Young Inventors Workshop

Leonardo’s Mystery Machines

American Museum of Natural History: Einstein

Love this Inventor’s Resource Pack from Classical Composers Monthly! 
Learn about 11 famous and inspirational inventors:  Archimedes, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, Jacques Cousteau, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Benjamin Holt, Samuel F.B. Morse, Nikola Tesla, and the Wright Brothers.

Here is an affordable resource from Confessions of a Homeschooler. These Scientist and Inventor lapbook unit studies look fabulous!

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