Grandparent’s Day Gifts for Grandma

August 1, 2017

Carrie Fernandez


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It’s the first day of August. Do you know what that means? That means you have roughly 40 days to think of a creative gift to give Grandma for Grandparent’s Day on September 10th. For Mother’s Day, we like to give fantastic gifts to the grandmas like gift cards or flowers. On Grandparent’s Day, my kids give their grandparents something much smaller and homespun.

The trick to pulling off a homemade gift is to plan ahead and craft it before the big day hits. So you and the kids have 40 days to decide on a craft, gather the supplies, glue the photos on the paper, and let it dry. Grandma’s going to love it!

gift-ideas-for-grandma-mothers-dayClick here to melt Grandma’s heart!

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