Free Resources for Studying the Branches of Government

September 10, 2020

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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It is critical for our children in America to understand, as much as possible, how our American government functions. Search this list of free resources for studying the branches of government in your homeschool.

Free Resources for Studying the Branches of Government text with background image of a national monument

Staying ignorant in matters of government is a huge disadvantage for our kids. Whether we like it or not, our children will be inundated with news, politics, and media that will be feeding them information.

It’s easy for us to tell our children what our views are and why we have those views. However, it is more challenging to explain the background of those views.

Think of it this way. It’s like telling our kids about Jesus without telling them about the Bible. Of course it’s effective because it’s true, but they are missing out on a lot of the foundation and history.

The comparison may sound extreme. However, as many more people want to give away rights to the government and more of our rights are at risk of being taken away, you can see the need for our kids (and “US”) to understand the government and how it was meant to work.

Some very basic civics lessons are rarely taught and if they are, they aren’t given much focus. To equip our kids with what they need to have a strong belief system, we should also equip them with the knowledge to support that belief system and government system, for that matter.

The Constitution.

To learn about our country’s system of governing we can look to the founding document that established it – the United States Constitution. This 233-year-old document impacts our lives every day, whether we are aware of it or not.

Knowledge of the Constitution allows students to understand what their role is in the world around them and how the nation/world plays a role in their lives.

The writers of the U.S. Constitution built into the document three branches of the federal government so that it was possible to have a separation of powers (thankfully!).

The Three Branches of Government.

The Legislative Branch actually makes the laws. The Executive Branch of the government enforces (carries out) the laws and the Judicial Branch interprets the laws – but there is so much more.

The Legislative Branch consists of Congress, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

The Executive Branch consists of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet.

The Judicial Branch consists of the Supreme Court and other Federal Courts.

Each of these branches can check the actions of another branch. For instance, the president has the power to veto the legislation created by Congress (the Legislative Branch).

Congress can confirm or reject the president’s nominees and can actually remove the president from their role in exceptional circumstances. The Judicial Branch’s Justices of the Supreme Court can overturn unconstitutional laws and are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

I can go on and on about this, as it fascinates me how the system was set up and how it has worked for over 200 years. 

Scroll down for free resources for studying the branches of government.

Recommended Resource: U.S. Government Anchor Charts & Workbook

Understanding how the government is designed to work is a critical part of learning to be a good citizen and how to vote responsibly. This U.S. Government Anchor Charts & Workbook takes a closer look at the three branches of government as well as many of the departments and agencies that impact our daily lives.

This government unit is targeted for grades 6 and up, but is flexible for use in your homeschool.

United States Government workbook cover with background image examples of pages from the workbook

These free resources for studying the branches of government will help your homeschool kids explore more of our government’s system:

3 Branches of Government (Kids Educational Video) | Kids Academy

Three Branches PDF | Constitution Center

One Tree, Three Branches FREE Download |

FREE Levels and Branches of Government Graphic Organizers | Morgan King Ray

Branches of the U.S. Government FREE Download |

Three Branches of Government FREE Lesson Plan |

FREE: Three Branches of Government Cut and Paste Sort | Mrs Fitz’s Caring Classroom

Branches of Government FREE Graphic Organizer | Learning is Lots of Fun

Three Branches of Government Graphic Organizer- FREE!! | Holly’s Social Studies Store

Branches of Government FREE Mobile | Brenda Kovich

FREE Three Branches of Government Activity | The Lit Classroom

Let’s Draw the 3 Branches of Government! (FREE Checks & Balances Activity) | Patty Fernandez Artist

Three Branches of U.S. Government FREE Graphic Organizer | Citizen Genius

FREE Three Branch Jumble | BradBRLA

Checks and Balances FREE Interactive | Paul Garrett Alba

3 Branches of Government for Kids Resources |

The Three Branches of US Government | ThoughtCo

Three Branches of Government Lesson and FREE Worksheets | Sierra Hess

I couldn’t stop, here are more government freebies:

The 3 Branches of Government Activities | Sailing into Second

3 Branches of Government for Kids FREE Activity | How to Homeschool My Child

Branches of Government FREE Cool Coloring Printables | Classroom Doodles

FREE Branches of Government | Peggy Means – Primary Flourish

U.S. Civics and Government Unit (3 Branches of Government and More!) | Homeschool Den

Branches of US Government (Grade 3) FREE Printable | Help Teaching

Three Branches of Government FREE Worksheet | Layers of Learning

Video – Branches of Government | BrainPopJr.

Branches of the U.S. Government FREE Download |

Three Branches of Government & Constitution FREE Project: Help Wanted Ad | Becky’s Social Studies Center

FREE FlipBook Branches of Government | FourthnTen

Government Anchor Charts (FREE) | Bow Tie Guy and Wife

What are the Branches of Government? | Ben’s Guide

FREE Infographic: 3 Branches of the U.S. Government |

Executive branch of government free resources:

Elected Officials of the Executive Branch FREE | Silloh Curriculum


FREE Engaging Executive Branch PowerPoint- Activities, Videos, Questions | One Dollar Econ and Gov Store

Executive Branch FREEBIE | English With Ease

President Fact Files – FREE Printable | Homeschool Creations

Judicial branch of government free resources:

The Judicial Branch (Introduction to the Federal Court System) FREE | Chalk Dust Diva — History – Social Science

Supreme Court & Judicial Branch FREE Note Sheet | Obergefell’s Social Studies Store

FREE! The Judicial Branch – Introduction to the Federal Court System(Civics) | Social Studies

Legislative branch of government free resources:

The Legislative Branch (Vocabulary Word FREE Wall Posters) | Chalk Dust Diva — History – Social Science

Intro to Legislative Branch FREE Vocabulary | Inclusive Education

Congress & Legislative Branch FREE Note Sheet | Obergefell’s Social Studies Store

The Legislative Branch Vocabulary FREE Word Wall Posters (Civics) | Social Studies Gurus

The Legislative Branch – FREE Student Handout | Kayla Brownell

12 Surprising Facts About the Legislative Branch (Video) |

Although your lessons may seem basic, you are equipping your kids to understand the Constitution’s First Amendment protections.

This type of knowledge can take away the emotions, hurtful or controversial views (including from some of the media) with concrete arguments and a solid foundation.

Free Resources for Studying the Branches of Government text with side image of the White House

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