FREE Modern History Activities & Notebooking: 1910s

January 30, 2020

Bonnie Rose Hudson

Bonnie Rose Hudson

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Learning about and understanding modern history is so important! We made these FREE Modern History Activities & Notebooking pages to help you and your family learn more about the past as you work together to shape the future. 

portrait of President Woodrow Wilson

There are five key events from American and world history studied in these FREE Modern History Activities & Notebooking pages. Students have the chance to learn about the: 

  • arrival of Roald Amundsen at the South Pole in 1911
  • sinking of the Titanic in 1912
  • adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1913
  • establishment of the National Park Service in 1916
  • Russian Revolution of 1917

There is an activity, such as a fill-in or a decoding puzzle, and notebooking questions about each event. It’s a great way for students to get an introduction to the events and learn key information about each one. A crossword puzzle reviewing all five events concludes the unit. It’s a fun way to learn about modern history in small pieces that are easy to digest and not overwhelming. Scroll down to get your instant download. 

You might also enjoy our FREE History of Wars Cheat Sheets and our Resources to Teach Kids About the 1910s!

Need more modern history? 

This freebie was created for HSG by Bonnie Rose. If you like this printable, then check out for even more modern history printables.

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