FREE Favorite Authors Quiz Pack – Dr. Seuss

February 25, 2016

Bonnie Rose Hudson

Bonnie Rose Hudson

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From unforgettable tongue twisters to wild and wacky characters, Dr. Seuss brought us one childhood favorite after another. But how much do you know about his life and the world he grew up in? Try the puzzles in our fun and FREE Dr. Seuss quiz pack to find out!


Who was Dr. Seuss?

What do you know about the author Dr. Seuss? You may not know much but I bet you’ve enjoyed some of his books. I loved them as a girl and read a huge number of them to our girls when they were younger. Here are 3 fun facts for older kids to get started exploring:

  1. He wasn’t a doctor and his real last name wasn’t Seuss. Can you find out what his real name was?
  2. He wrote one of his books on a bet that he couldn’t write a book with fewer than 50 words. Can you figure out what book it is? Here’s a hint: It’s his best selling book of all time!
  3. Dr. Seuss had a different career before he started writing books. Can you figure it out?

If you are looking for a video to share with younger students then we recommend a 6 minute video we found on Youtube:

cartoon drawing of Dr Seuss with the cat in the hat and thing 1 & thing 2

Dr. Seuss Quiz Pack

If you are exploring authors in school and want a mini pack with a quiz for older kids then our FREE printable – created by WriteBonnieRose for HSG readers – is a great resource to get you started. It includes:

  • First, fill in the blanks in the fill-in all about Dr. Seuss.
  • Next, create a timeline of his life by matching the events to the correct years from the list.
  • Finally, take a look at Life in the time of Dr. Seuss. For each date, choose the correct event from U.S. history and the correct event from world history and match them to the blanks beside the correct dates and facts.
  • An answer key is in the back if you get stumped.

This free quick pack is available at the bottom of this post. Oh the places you will go…

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