FREE 30-Day Prayer Calendar: Powerful Scriptures to Pray Over Your Kids
June 8, 2019
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It can be a challenge to create a discipline of prayer. But when it comes to your kids, prayer is a weapon and these 30 powerful scriptures to pray over your kids is the perfect way to get started with daily focused prayers.
What Is Prayer?
Prayer is our line of communication with the Father allowing ourselves to hear from Him while also talking with Him. Prayer is our minds and hearts agreeing with His will, His plans and His purposes for our kids.
The Lord knows all things. So do we really need to pray?
YES, we do need to pray!
What Does Prayer Do?
Through prayer, we’re reminding ourselves of what God says and His good plans for our kids. Jesus doesn’t need reminders; we do!
We’re the ones that live in this world, but not of it. Walking by the Spirit, believing what God says, taking Him at His Word isn’t always easy when we’re so heavily bombarded by this world, its way of doing things and our flesh.
It can feel challenging and almost disheartening to pray when it feels like it might not even help or do anything.
But, your prayers are heard. 1 John 5:14-15 reassures us,
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. (NKJV)
So if our prayers are heard, then our kids NEED our prayer for:
- their relationship with God
- revelation, wisdom, knowledge and understanding
- protection from the evil one
- seeking the kingdom of God first
- loving God and others
- hearing God’s voice
- thinking on the right things
- exercising the fruit of the spirit
- purity
- honoring us as their parents
- accepting Jesus as their Lord
- and more!
The Word of God is powerful, active and designed to prosper according to Isaiah 55:11:
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV)
You cannot afford to not pray over your kids.
If the Word of God is so powerful, then we know with assurance and confidence, that our prayers and declarations contain:
- life
- healing
- cleansing
- protection
- revival
- strengthening
- sweetness
- hope
- light and understanding
- purity
- truth
- a treasure
- deliverance
- nourishment
- sword
- salvation